How to Set Up and Manage the QuickBooks Online Integration with FranConnect
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on setting up and managing QuickBooks Online integration with FranConnect. This article is designed to help you seamlessly integrate your QuickBooks Online account with FranConnect, enabling you to streamline financial management and enhance operational efficien...
Introduction to the New Royalty Manager
Welcome to our support article on the latest version of FranConnect's Royalty Manager! In this guide, we'll walk you through the upgraded features and functionalities of the Royalty Manager in FranConnect. Whether you're a long-time FranConnect user or just getting started, this article will help...
How to Make a Payment Using Invoice to Pay
In this article, we will cover making payments using FranConnect's Invoice to Pay feature. This article will show you an easy way to handle your payments, step by step. We'll guide you through finding your invoice and completing your payment, making it simple and hassle-free. Note: Your FranConne...
How to Use Invoice to Pay to Receive Payments
FranConnect's Invoice to Pay feature offers a streamlined process for managing payments within the FranConnect environment. This article guides FranConnect customers through the enablement steps, ensuring a smooth and efficient payment process. Note: If you don't have access to Invoice to Pay, pl...
How to Add Tax Calculations on Different Agreement or Line Items
At FranConnect, we are consistently improving our product to assist our customers in improving business efficiency. Effective May 4, 2023, customers will be able to add tax calculations to specific agreement or line items. In this article, we will walk you through how to use this new feature. Top...
Mapping the Chart of Accounts to Profit and Loss Categories
Corporate users can configure different categories for income, expense, and overhead sections. Navigate to Admin > Finance > Configure Profit & Loss Categories.Click the Associate Mapping tab.Click Save. You can associate your Standard QuickBooks CoA with the Profit and Loss Categories by dragg...
How to Enter Negative Values in Profit Loss Statement
Our system allows you to configure P&L categories to generate the Profit Loss Statement. Categories are either Addition or Subtraction. For example, an "Income" category would be an example of an "Addition" type category. For negative values, such as expenses or refunds create a "Subtraction" ty...
Additional Invoice Item(s) Summary
To add additional invoice items to the finance sales report, go to:Admin > Finance > Additional Invoice Item(s) Summary and Add New Item. These fees can be a Fixed amount or Variable. In this example, we will add a Technology Fee of $50.00. The Additional Invoice Item will appear in the Sales ...
Profit and Loss Statements and Reporting
The Profit & Loss (P&L) statement is one of the three primary financial statements used to assess a company's performance and financial position (the two others being the balance sheet and the cash flow statement). Profit and loss management is managing income (incoming money) and expenses (outgo...
How to add KPI (Key Performance Indicators) Goals in Royalty Manager
KPI (key performance indicators) is a blanket term for the types of markers that businesses use to measure performance in a variety of areas, from marketing to HR to finance. Keeping close tabs on your small business' financial performance is essential to long-term success. FranConnect's Royalty ...
How to Enter Negative Values in a Finance Sales Report
The Franconnect system allows you to configure product categories and their subcategories to generate the sales report. The Finance module generates calculates the royalties based on the total sales. Categories are either Addition or Subtraction. For example, a product category would be an examp...
Configure Finance FTP Server for POS
In the Finance module, your franchisees can report their sales via a web form, uploading spreadsheets or configure a FTP ( file transfer protocol) directly from your POS vendor (Point of Sale) to FranConnect SKY> Finance. To configure the FTP server credentials, go to:Admin > Finance > Configure ...
Non-Financial / KPI Categories Summary
Under Finance, sales reports are generated for purposes of sending invoices to the franchisee. Part of that report can optionally include Non-Financial Key Performance Indicators.For example, how many customers came through that billing period, coupons redeemed, how many FTE, etc. You may config...
NACHA File Guide
In a world where everything is controlled through your fingertips by either a click or a swipe, and paper is fading into history, it’s key that electronic payments work safely and efficiently. In support of these changes, FranConnect utilizes EFT for monetary transactions. These transactions are...