Each night, there are a number of updates & tasks that occur on every World Manager platform. These are run overnight, as to not affect day-to-day performance.
Please refer to the full update & task list below (in no particular order):
- Update Performance Monitor data
- Update Stats and Reports data
Tip: Anytime you generate reports in your platform, that do not match up with live data, this is almost always due to the fact that you are viewing cached data. These discrepancies will be rectified once the Cached Data script has run (overnight). Cached Data is information that is stored in the short term so that is can be easily retrieved.
Certain tools in the platform, such as; accounts, locations & statistics rely on cached data to retrieve information faster.
- Update My Tasks widget data
- Grade Written Tests
- Complete Sign Offs
- Update Career Mapper widget progress
- Force users to complete any overdue mandatory E-Learning modules (if applicable)
- Send Saved Report emails
- Send Appointment reminder emails
- Send Event reminder emails
- Send Exit Interview reminder emails
- Send Customer Feedback reminder emails
- Send Service Desk pending ticket emails
- Send 'inactive password' notification emails
- Send Goal reminder emails
- Send Event reminder emails
- Send Mandatory Test notifications (to managers and employees)
- Send reminder emails for unfinished job applications
- Refresh Sign Offs
- Refresh E-Learning
- Auto-activate E-Learning
- Auto-activate Appraisals
- Auto-activate Notices
- Auto-escalate Incident Reports
- Auto-expire Seek ads
- Calculate Achievement Award weekly rankings (Monday only)
- Delete recruitment application file uploads older than three (3) months
Important: This only applies if the "Delete user uploaded files in the recruitment tool after 3 months" is enabled in the Career Site Settings section.
Video resumes and uploaded files for questionnaires will be deleted. However, cover letters and resumes will not be deleted.
- Delete unfinished recruitment applications older than three (3) months
- Update Training Academy student eligibility list
What is Cached Data?
Cached data is information that is stored in the short term, so that it can be retrieved as quickly as possible (i.e. without having to re-fetch the same data over and over again).
Certain tools in the platform, such as; accounts, locations & statistics rely on cached data to retrieve information faster. This cached data is updated daily (overnight), meaning the data is most accurate first thing in the morning each day.