How to view previous training results

When a module has been reset or refreshed for an employee the results of previous attempts will be viewable on the account's training results page. To view the results of previous attempts go to System → My Employees, then click on an employee, and then the module you would like to see the results for. 

Depending on the type of module the results will be displayed in different a way.

Combined Answer Summary

If the module uses the platform's questionnaire style questions, the results will be displayed in a Combined Answer Summary. The Combined Answer Summary shows the number of times an account has answered a specific question correctly. Next to the question is the number of times the question was answered correctly out of the total number of times the question has been answered.

Previous Learning Content Attempts

The Previous Learning Content Attempts shows the number of times an account has passed a SCORM package. The results will be listed in chronological order.

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