Welcome to our comprehensive guide on navigating the Unit Summary section of the Opener and Info Manager modules in FranConnect. Whether you're a seasoned user or just starting out with FranConnect, the Unit Summary provides many tools to manage your individual units, helping you gain deeper insights and manage your franchises more efficiently. In this article, we will walk you through the functionalities, tips, and best practices to ensure you get the most out of this powerful feature.
Note: The Unit Summary section in Opener and Info Manager is the same. In this article, we use Opener as an example, but both workflows are identical.
Walkthrough of the Unit Summary Page
To access Unit Summary, first log into your FranConnect environment. Click Opener on the left-hand sidebar and then select Unit Summary from the drop-down menu.
You will be taken to the Unit Summary page, which looks like this:
From this page, you can use the filter buttons to find only franchise or corporate locations. Additionally, you can filter by the lifecycle stage of the unit using the buttons above the table.
At the top-right of the page you will see a button to add a franchise location as well as a search bar to search for a specific unit or owner.
Below these buttons, you will see three buttons which allow you to (in order) filter your results more granularly, choose the data that is displayed in the table, and export this data to an Excel sheet.
Note: The export limit is 5,000 rows by default. If you need to upgrade this limit, please contact FranConnect support via email at helpdesk@franconnect.com.
Next, let's take a look at what we can do from an individual unit's profile.
Overview of an Individual Unit Profile
To access an individual unit profile, click the name of the unit in question from the Unit Summary page.
You will be taken to a page that looks like this:
From this page, you will see robust data about the unit as well as many actions you can perform. Let's take a closer look at some of the functionality on this page.
On the left-hand side of the page, you will see the "STORE DETAILS" box. This box provides basic information about the unit such as its current lifecycle stage, contract information, addresses, and basic information about the owner(s). You can also adjust the lifecycle stage from this box using the drop-down menu provided.
Additionally, you can modify unit information using the Modify button above this box.
Further options are given using the icons at the top of the box. These include logging calls, assigning tasks, sending emails, and more.
The center of the unit profile page is mostly focused on Opener tasks. In the "OPENER PENDING TASKS" box, you can see the pending tasks as well as their estimated dates of completion. You can also click on a task to view its details and update its status.
Additionally, the options at the top of the page can be used to view Opener checklists, contact history, legal violations, and more. These are mostly legacy options that all correspond with the options on the left-hand sidebar covered earlier in this guide.
To get general information on the unit, click the CENTER INFO button at the top of the page. You will be taken to the following page:
Having read this article, you should have a generic understanding of the purposes of the Unit Summary section in Opener and Info Manager.