In a Franchise organization, Franchise Stores awaiting to be opened are often categorized based on store types. Checklists used to track store openings are not always applicable to all the stores, so FranConnect offers several ways to manage these checklists.
The checklists can be associated with the type of users and based on organization in Admin. Checklists can be associated with one store, or all stores or future stores.
There are different types of checklists: Primary Checklists, Secondary Checklists, Equipment Checklists, Document Checklists and Picture Checklists. They can be marked as critical, non-critical, or mandatory depending on the need.
There are various Store Types: Default, International, Kiosks, All Stores and so on. Additional Store types can be configured as desired in Admin. Having Checklists based on Store type is useful as users can focus on their job-related functions and this way, it looks organized.
Note: There are two ways to associate any checklist to a store. You can do it from the Opener or from Admin. If a checklist is not getting associated with a store, check the Store Type and match the checklist.
To Associate a Checklist with a Store:
From the Opener Interface, choose Store Summary then the desired store, click Modify on the top left shown below.
In the Modify page, checkmark the desired Checklists and make it a Primary Checklist and click Save.
Checkmark as many checklists as Primary and it will show under Primary Checklist.
In Admin select Opener then Task Checklist, Modify, checkmark the Task and this selects all the Task.
Go to Actions and click Modify.
Scroll down to page and select any of the options: To apply to future stores or all locations or one specific store and Save.
Note: You can also add more Checklists either from the Primary Checklist tab in Opener or from Admin side.
From Admin select Opener then select Task Checklist and click Add More.
Note: you can change the Order of the checklist in Opener by clicking Order Checklists or you can go to Admin and change the Order Checklists and move the cross arrows and save.