Contract Generation - 3. Creating Documents

Once Sections have been created in Contract Generation, The next step is to create a Document

1. Go to (National Level) Human Resources → Contract Generation → Documents

2. Click on New Document

3. Enter the below details:

  1.  Name  - Name of the Document internally
  2. Display Name - Name of the Document the Candidate will see
  3. Description - A brief description of the Document (If required)


4. Tick the Active Box if you wish to Activate the Document

Note:  Documents cannot be added to Packages unless they are Active, however, you can activate Documents on the Documents page after creation.

5. Click Save 

To create more Documents to add to Packages please repeat steps 1-5 above

6. On the Document page, you will be provided with a table as below, including:

  1. Name - Document Name
  2. Active - The Document Active Status, displayed as a Red Cross for Inactive and a Green Tick for Active
  3. Preview - Previews the Document as a PDF (only once Sections are added to the Document)
  4. Copy Icon - Duplicates the Existing Document
  5. Edit Icon - Opens the Document details to edit
  6. Delete Icon - Removes the Document


7. Now that the Document Name has been created and the status is Active, we can add Sections, to do this click on the title of the Document or the 'edit' icon highlighted in Red above

8. When you open the Document for the first time, you will see the message Note: There are no sections to display

Tip: Use the Live Filter to search for the applicable Section(s) simply by typing characters and it will return all results automatically, E.g. 'Employee Agreement'

9. You can now add each applicable Section from the Sections List on the Left-hand side by clicking on the + as below:

11. Once you have added all the required Sections, you can Click and Drag each Section so that it appears in the appropriate order, as demonstrated as below:

12. Once you have finished your Document, Click Update and you should see the message:  Employee Agreement - Full Time was successfully updated.

13. You can also add the same Section multiple times, however, you will a validation box will appear as below:

14. Once you have added all the required sections, you can preview the Document in a PDF

15. Now that you have created a Document, the Document name will appear in the Section Details, under the heading 'Documents using this section' as below. You can see this by going to:

(National Level) Human Resources → Contract Generation → Sections

16. To create more Documents, to add to Packages please repeat steps 1-12 above

Should you require more information please get in touch with our Support Team via or contact your Relationship Manager for more information.

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