Contract Generation - Creating Forms

Contract Generation Forms are used to capture information from the candidate that is used to automatically populate parts of the contract's sections. 

The candidate's answers to the fields will pull through to the contract's sections anywhere the tag for a field has been placed.

There are three forms that come with the platform by default:

  1. Candidate Details
  2. Position Details
  3. Contract Details

Candidate Details

The 'Candidate Details' form is used to capture information about the candidate such as their first name, last name, and email address. The candidate details form can be completed by both the candidate & the hiring manager.

Position Details

The 'Position Details' form has questions regarding the position's details & the business's details. 

The Position Details form is completed by the hiring manager of the contract.

Contract Details

The 'Contract Details' form contains questions regarding the candidate's employment and their salary. The Contract Details form is completed by the  hiring manager of the contract.


Field Types:

Checkbox List

The Checkbox question type can be used to place a series of checkboxes which the candidate or hiring manager can tick. Multiple checkboxes can be ticked.

Date Time

The Date Time question type is used to place a selector in the form that the candidate or hiring manager can use to select a date.

The Dropdown list question type will place a dropdown list in the form which the candidate or hiring manager can select a value from. By default 1 value can be selected at a time, however, there is a configuration option that can be enabled to allow multiple selections.

Radio Button List

The Radio Buttons question type will place a series of radio buttons for the candidate or hiring manger to choose from. Unlike the 'Checkbox List' question type, only 1 radio button can be ticked at a time.

Rich Text

The Rich Text question type will place a mini-text editor in the form that the candidate or hiring manager can use to place a longer response than the 'text' question type. The Rich Text question type has configuration options for a 'Standard' mode or a 'Simple' mode (which has less features).


The text question type creates a small text field for the candidate or hiring manager to type an answer.

The text field type has the the validation types below:

  1. Plain Text
  2. Alphanumeric Text
  3. Numeric Text
  4. Email
  5. Telephone
  6. Multiline

File Upload

The file upload question lets the candidate or hiring manager upload a file to the contract.


The Range question type lets you enter a value within a specific numeric range. The Range type has options to configure the min & max value, as well as the allowed variance (delta) between the ranges.


Note: If you would like to make changes to your forms, please download a copy of the Custom Form Template sheet (click HERE), then complete and send it through to your Relationship Manager or

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