Progressing Applicants in Recruitment and Creating a Contract
Once you have created a Job Ad in Recruitment, and applicants have applied for the Position in the Talent Pool, you can then progress an applicant through the Recruitment Stages. This article will detail the process for progressing an applicant in Recruitment and creating a Contract through Contr...
Recruitment FAQ's
Seek Specific Questions Note: All of the instructions within this article, assume the following:• Your Seek integration has been configured on your platform• All Seek templates have been created (by Seek)• You are at national-level (e.g. have a country selected)• You are in the Recruitment tool (...
Recruitment Overview
The Recruitment tool allows for an end to end solution that integrates with public job listings sites and your World Manager platform. It allows online applications and applicant tracking management though the different stages of recruitment through to automatic account creation with your platfo...
Creating an Internal Job Ad
There are 4 ways in which you can advertise a job position: Internally within your World Manager Platform, which only appears to targeted active accounts within your platform Externally on a company website Externally with Seek Externally with Broadbean With all 4 advertising types you can ...
Adding External Advertising Links to Recruitment
This article provides the process for adding external advertising links that can be used to track external job ads sources. E.g. BroadbeanTip: Its important to add external advertising links to track the source of applicant details1. From National Level, Go to Human Resources → Recruitment → Sett...
Process for Bulk Recruitment
Once applicants have started applying for a position you can progress or decline the applicants in bulk.Progressing Applicants in bulkIn order to progress applicants in bulk all selected applicants must at the same stage. Once you have selected the applicants you would like to progress a button w...
Setting up the Career Site iFrame
You can show your recruitment positions on your company website by using the 'Career Site iFrame'. The career site iFrame will display any positions that are marked as 'External' in the platform Enabling the External Career Site To get started you will need to enable the external Careers Site w...
Recruitment Life Cycle
This article provides a diagrammatic outline of the life cycle of an application in the Recruitment tool.Processing the ApplicationCandidate AppliesThe candidate applies through the Career Site, SEEK, Broadbean, or Internal Job Board.Did Candidate Pass Minimum Score?The candidate’s score is calcu...