Recruitment FAQ's

Seek Specific Questions

Note: All of the instructions within this article, assume the following:
• Your Seek integration has been configured on your platform
• All Seek templates have been created (by Seek)
• You are at national-level (e.g. have a country selected)
• You are in the Recruitment tool (e.g. Human Resources → Recruitment)

Question 1 - How do I post a job ad to Seek?

Posting a job to Seek can be done in three (3) simple steps.

Step 1 - Create the Position

Firstly, we need to create a Recruitment position. See instructions below:

Tip: If you already have a position ready to be posted to Seek, please skip to Step 2.

1. Click on the Positions button

2. Click on the New Position button

3. Fill out the position details specific to this job, ensuring you choose the Advertising Type as either 'External' or 'Internal & External'

4. Click on the Save button

Important: The Position Template used for the job must have 'Job Ad Posting' enabled in order to post jobs to Seek. This is enabled on the template itself. To update templates, go to; Human Resources → Recruitment → TemplatesPosition Templates

Step 2 - Create Seek Ad

Once the position has been created, you can now create a Seek ad from it. See instructions below:

1. Click on the New SEEK Ad button

2. Complete all required fields

3. Click on the Save button

Tip: For full instructions, please refer to the Creating an External Job Ad - Seek article.

Step 3 - Post Ad to Seek

Once the Seek Ad has been created, you now need to post the job ad to Seek. See instructions below:

1. Click on the SEEK button

2. Under the New Job Ads to be posted section, click on the 'post' (paper plane) icon next to the ad you wish to post

3. Review the prompt that appears, then click Yes

Question 2 - How do I update details for a live job on Seek?

Step 1 - Update Seek Ad

1. Click on the SEEK button

2. Under the Live Job Ads section, click on the 'edit' (pencil) icon next to the ad you wish to edit

3. Make the changes, as per your requirement

4. Click on the Update button

Step 2 - Push Update to Seek

1. Click on the 'update' (rotating arrows) icon next to the ad you just updated [important]

Important: As per the above, this is a two-step process, whereby the 'update' (rotating arrows) icon must be clicked after updating the Seek ad details. If Step 2 is not actioned, your changes will not be pushed through to the Seek ad.

Question 3 - How do I view my ad on Seek?

You can access posted Seeks ads from within the platform. See instructions below:

1. Click on the SEEK button

2. Click on the 'view' (Seek arrow) icon next to the ad you wish to view

Note: This icon will only appear for live ads - listed under the Live Job Ads section.

Question 4 - How do I expire an ad on Seek?

All Seek ads are set to automatically expire after 30 days. However you can manually expire jobs also. See instructions below:

1. Go to Human Resources → Recruitment

2. Click on the SEEK button

3. Click on the 'expire' (clock) icon next to the ad you wish to expire

Note: This icon will only appear for live ads - listed under the Live Job Ads section.

4. Review the prompt that appears, then click Yes 

Question 5 - How do I check when a Seek Ad was last updated?

You can see a list of all changes made to Seek Job Ads, including updated times, by accessing the 'Job Posting Log'. page within the platform. See instructions below:

1. Go to Human Resources → Recruitment

2. Click on the SEEK button

3. Click on the Job Posting Log button

If you have any questions, please contact

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