Progressing Applicants in Recruitment and Creating a Contract

Once you have created a Job Ad in Recruitment, and applicants have applied for the Position in the Talent Pool, you can then progress an applicant through the Recruitment Stages. This article will detail the process for progressing an applicant in Recruitment and creating a Contract through Contract Generation

Note: Before creating a job ad, All recruitment templates and career site settings need to be configured by going to Human Resources → Recruitment →Templatesand Human Resources → Recruitment → Settings

1. From National level go to Human Resources → Recruitment → All Positions → Click on the Position e.g. 'Sales Manager'

2. On the right-hand side, you will see a summary of Detailed Stats, In this example, you can see there is 1 Application in the Talent Pool.

3. To review applicants, Click on Talent Pool as above

4. You will be provided with a list of Applicants for this Position, as well as various filtering options available to use, for more details on filtering click Here

5. The Position will show Name, Location, Score (if applicable) and Date as well as the Stages applied to this position.

Tip: You can create up to 8 Stages in Recruitment, However, it comes down to what Position is being advertised and applying the appropriate number of Stages for that Position. Generally, we recommend around 3-4 Stages and in this example, there are 4 stages.

  1. First Interview
  2. Shortlist
  3. Offer Position
  4. Hire

Stage 1 - First Interview

Use this stage to invite applicants to their first interview. In this example, the applicant is at the First interview Stage

6. To progress this applicant, Click the edit icon at the First interview Stage

7. You can now schedule an interview for this applicant using a calendar. You can also change or modify other details for this applicant, including:

  • Location Details
  • Adding additional Interviewers
  • Progressing this Applicant with or without Email
  • Modify the Email Content

8. Choose an Interview Date

9. Choose whether or not you wish to Progress with Email, which will send the information about the interview to the Applicant using the template applied below

10. Click Progress

11. You will see a validation as below, Click OK to progress this person

12. You will now see the First Interview Stage Progress Bar

13.  Click Back

14. On the Position Details Page, you can now see in Detailed Stats: 'Scheduled Interviews: 1'

15.  Click Recruitment

14. On the Recruitment Page, you will now see the interview scheduled for Upcoming Interviews. Once the Interview has been complete, Mark this Interview as complete by clicking on the Complete Icon:

16. Click the edit icon if you wish to make any notes about this Applicant:

17. Click Save

18. To progress this applicant, Click Progress

Stage 2 - Shortlist

1. This stage is used for Short Listing applicants. You can also make any relevant notes for the applicant also.  Click on the edit icon:

2. Click Save and Progress to move them to the next stage as well as any comments in the Notes section

Stage 3 - Offer Position (Including Contract Generation)

1. This stage is used for offering the role to an applicant and generating a Contract. For more information on Contract Generation please Click HERE

2. Click the edit icon for Offer Position:

2. Save and Start Contract - If you have offered the position to the applicant and you would like to create a contract through Contract Generation Click Save and Start Contract

Alternatively, you can Click onProgress, which will progress the Applicant without creating a Contract and progress the applicant to the next Stage. 

3.Confirm you would like to offer this person a position, Click OK

4. You will then be taken to the Create Contract Page in Contract Generation, where you can create a Contract for this Applicant/Candidate.

Contract Generation

Step 1 - Create Contract

1.  Select a Hiring Manager from the drop-down list to Manage this Candidate Contract. 

2. Select Candidate Source 

You will notice the Source is pre-filled with the Applicant details from Recruitment and the options to choose a Source are greyed out.

Note: In this example, the Candidate is an existing employee that has applied for a new Position. If the applicant was a new employee but is being offered a Contract from Recruitment, they will appear under the Recruitment Applicant Source.

3. Choose a Package from the list and Click Save

Note: If you did not create a Package for this Candidate please take a look at this article - Contract Generation - 4. Creating Packages

Tip: Now that the Create Contract Step is saved, you can exit the Contract Generation tool at any time and come back to finish the Contract later. You can simply search for the Contract on the Contract Page. For more information about the Contract Page please see the bottom of this article.

Step 2 - Candidate Details

1. In this example, the Candidate Source was from an Existing Employee in Recruitment, which populates the candidate fields automatically, however, you can change these fields as required.

 Note:  Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory, all other fields in Contract Generation are used at the discretion of the Manager issuing the Contract

2. Confirm the details are correct and Click Next

Step 3 - Position Details

1. Enter the Position Details for this Contract and choose the Line Manager for this Candidate

Tip: The Line Manager will be the Direct Manager of the Candidate and can be different to the Manager issuing the Contract.

In this example:

  • Doug Pearson is the Hiring Manager issuing the Contract (National Manager)
  • Rachel Warner is the Candidate being offered the Contract for the Position of 'Sales Manager - Full Time' (Area Manager)
  • Estelle Wise is the Line Manager Rachel will report to (National Manager)

2. Enter the Business Details that will appear on the Contract

3. Click Next

Step 4 - Contract Details

1. Enter the Applicable Contract Details for Employment and Salary

2. Click Next

Step 5 - Review Contract

1. Review the included Documents in this Contract Package by clicking on each Document, In the below example, there are 3 documents to review:

Tip: The fountain pen icons below in Pink can be customised to any colour, please contact our branding team at to have this changed, the default colour will be the same as badge notifications

2. Once you Click on the Document, a preview will pop up as below:

 Tip: You can also Download and Print the Document. Below is an example taken from a Google Chrome browser which shows the icons in the top right-hand corner

3. Close the Preview and Review the Welcome Email Message Content

Note: By default, the Welcome Email's content is pre-defined, however, if necessary, it can be altered to include additional information. Any changes made are not saved for future Contracts.

4. Enter an Alternate Email Address (if Required) 

Note: By default, the Welcome Email will be sent to the email address specified in the Candidate Details Step, which is used as the candidate's login username, and for the email communication with the candidate. However, an alternate email address can be provided in this field

5. Click Send

6. A confirmation message will pop up, Click Send to Send the Welcome Email as below:

Step 6 -  Sign Contract

The status will be updated to 'Pending Candidate Signature' and a confirmation message will appear confirming the package has been successfully sent to the candidates email address as below:

Manager Signs Contract

1. The Hiring Manager can now sign the Contract in the Signature field electronically as below:

2. The Hiring Manager can tick the Acknowledgment as below and ClickSign

3. Once the Contract Package is signed by the Hiring Manager, it automatically inserts the Manager Signature and the Date signed in all Manager Signature Sections in all Documents. 

Example below:

Candidate Signs and Accepts Contract

1. The Candidate can now Sign and Accept the Contract in the Candidate Portal and notification will be sent to the Hiring Manager to finalise the Contract. For information on how Candidates accept and review a Contract Please see the article - Contract Generation - Candidate Portal

Note: the Status of the Contract is now set as 'Pending Candidate Signature'  as below and the Hiring Manager cannot Accept the Contract until the Candidate has logged into the Candidate Portal and Accepted the Contract

Contracts Page

2. You can no go back to the Contract page, highlighted in the tab below and a summary of the Contract details includes:

  1. Candidate - the Candidate being offered the Contract for the Position: 'Rachel Warner'
  2. Manager -The Platform Administrator issuing the Contract: 'Doug Pearson'
  3. Package - Package Name: 'Sales Manager - Full Time'
  4. Status - The status of the Contract: 'Pending Candidate Signature'
  5. Created Date - Date Contract Created: '7 March 2018'
  6. Started Date - Contract Start Date: '24 April 2018'
  7. Edit Icon - Opens the Contract details to Edit
  8. Delete - Deletes the Contract
  9. Resend - Re-sends the Welcome Email


Step 7 - Accept Contract

Manager Accepts Contract

Once the Candidate has accepted the Contract through Contract Generation - Candidate Portal, an email and badge notification will be sent to the Hiring Manager, and the Status will be updated on the Contract Page to 'Pending Acceptance'

Manager Email Notification Example:

Manager Badge Notification Example:

1. The Hiring Manager can now Accept the Contract by ClickingAcceptto finalise the Contract.

2. Confirm you wish to Accept the Contract by Clicking Yes

3.  ClickYes, if you would like to automatically update the status of this applicant in Recruitment as 'hired'.

4. The Status is now updated to 'Accepted' and no further changes can be made to this Contract.

5. PDF copies of the Documents in the Contract Package are then sent to the Candidate and the Hiring Manager.

Hiring Manager Example:

Candidate Example:

6. A Copy of the Contract Package Documents are also saved in the accounts My Details Page highlighted below:

7. Under a new tab called Documents. The new/existing employee and World / National Level accounts can also see the Signed Date, Download and View the PDF Document

Stage 4 - Hire

1. This is the last stage in Recruitment, and in this example, we opted to automatically update the status of this applicant as 'Hired' in the 'Hire Recruitment Applicant' modal window above. You can check the status of this applicant in recruitment via:

 National level → Human Resources → Recruitment → All Positions → Click on the Position e.g. 'Sales Manager' and apply the filter 'Hired' as below

Should you require more information please get in touch with our Support Team via or contact your Relationship Manager for more information.



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