Sending an Alert

The Alerts page is where you can send and view time-sensitive messages to users. Only corporate users can send alerts to a select audience. You can also view sent alerts and re-send reminders and archive old alerts.
To send a new alert from the Hub:
The Hub
> Alerts > Send Alert. 

6-16-2022_9-29-23_AM.png6-16-2022_9-30-17_AM.pngEnter the recipient Email ID and alert subject in the To and Subject text boxes.

6-16-2022_9-46-00_AM.pngAttach one or more documents, if desired, and type the message in the Alert Message textbox.

Choose whether the message will be text-only, or HTML. HTML affords many formatting options, which may not be visible to recipients with older email systems.Enter the text of the message, including any hyperlinks and pictures that you want to include.

NOTE: If a signature is configured under the user who is sending the alert, you can select a signature to include, and click the Send button to send the alert.

Alerts will show under the View Alerts tab.


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