How to Manage Documents and Folders in the Hub Library

FranConnect's Hub Library is a central space for storing and organizing important franchise documents and folders. Using it effectively ensures easy access and consistent operations across the franchise. This guide will provide straightforward steps to manage and organize your files in the Hub Library, making your work smoother and more efficient.


Adding Folders and Uploading Documents

Note: The Hub supports the upload of the following file formats:

To add a new folder, click the +NEW button and select Folder from the drop-down menu.


You will be taken to the following page:


Fill out the relevant fields on this page and then click ADD once you have confirmed that the chosen settings are correct.

Now let's look at how to upload documents to a folder. Navigate to the folder in which you wish to upload new documents and click the +NEW button. Select Document from the drop-down menu.


You will be taken to the following page:


Note: You now have the ability to upload multiple documents by checking "Yes" next to "Do you want to add multiple documents?" Keep in mind that the maximum file size you may upload at any time is set to 25MB per document by default. This limit may be higher depending on the specific environment you have purchased.

Some of these items are self-explanatory, but we will take a closer look at a few of them:

  • Start Display Date: the first date the item will be visible in the Hub Library
  • Expiration Date: the last date the item will be visible in the Hub Library before moving to archives
  • Document Type: upload a file, use a web link, or use an HTML file
  • Document Subtype: choose the option that most closely applies to your document
  • Do you want to upload Thumbnail image: add a thumbnail for your document
  • Recommended Documents: display your document as a recommended document
  • Enable Comments: choose whether or not to allow comments on your document
  • Enable Downloads: choose whether or not this document can be downloaded if user has download permissions
  • Accessibility: make this document publicly accessible or only accessible internally

Once you have confirmed that the settings you have selected are correct, click ADD.

Setting Folder Permissions

To control who can view a folder, first navigate to the folder in question on the left-hand sidebar. Then, click the drop-down menu next to +NEW, and select Modify Folder from the drop-down menu.


You will be taken to the following page:


Click No next to "Do you want to make this Folder accessible to all?", and choose which roles can view the folder. Once you have confirmed that the settings you have selected are correct, click ADD.

Organizing Documents and Folders

Now, we will take a look at several useful features for organizing documents and folders. To begin, let's look at how to move documents between folders.

To move a document between folders, first check the top-left box on the document you wish to move. If you wish to move multiple documents to the same location, check all files to which this applies.


You will see a drop-down menu appear at the top-right portion of the page. This drop-down menu will have four options - Delete, Move Documents, Enable Downloads, and Disable Downloads. Click the Move Documents button and you will be taken to the following screen.

Note: Enabling downloads will only allow users with the correct permissions to download the documents.


Select the folder to which you wish to move the documents and then click MOVE. The documents will now appear in the folder you selected.

We can also change the order in which folders appear on the left-hand sidebar. To do so, click the drop-down button next to +NEW and select Define Folder Sequence.


You will be taken to the following page:


Note: The Home, Insights, Drafts, and Archived Documents folders will always remain at the top of the left-hand sidebar, so they will not be displayed on this page.

Use the right-hand arrow buttons to reorganize your folders however you choose, or click the SET ALPHABETIC SEQUENCE button at the bottom if you want your folders in alphabetical order. Click SAVE once you have confirmed that your folders are in the correct order.

You can also change the document sequence within a folder. To do so, navigate to the relevant folder, and click the drop-down button next to +NEW. Select Define Document Sequence.


Note: This option will not be available for the Home, Insights, Drafts, and Archived Documents folders.

You will be taken to the following page:


Use the right-hand arrow buttons to reorganize your folders however you choose, or click the SET ALPHABETIC SEQUENCE button at the bottom if you want your folders in alphabetical order. Click SAVE once you have confirmed that your folders are in the correct order.

Finally, if you hover over the ... on the top-right portion of a document box, you will see that you have the option to modify or delete documents. Let's take a closer look at the Modify menu.


Some of these items are self-explanatory, but we will take a closer look at a few of them:

  • Start Display Date: the first date the item will be visible in the Hub Library
  • Expiration Date: the last date the item will be visible in the Hub Library before moving to archives
  • Document Type: upload a file, use a web link, or use an HTML file
  • Document Subtype: choose the option that most closely applies to your document
  • Do you want to upload Thumbnail image: add a thumbnail for your document
  • Recommended Documents: display your document as a recommended document
  • Enable Comments: choose whether or not to allow comments on your document
  • Enable Downloads: choose whether or not this document can be downloaded if user has download permissions
  • Accessibility: make this document publicly accessible or only accessible internally

Once you have confirmed that the settings you have selected are correct, click ADD.

Setting Download Permissions

Admin users are able to choose which users can download or print documents. To configure this feature, click the gear icon at the top of the page for the Admin settings.


Under the "Access Control" section, click Roles.


On the following page, click the gear icon next to the role whose permissions you wish to edit. Select Modify Privileges from the ensuing drop-down menu.

Note: In our example, we will use the "Develop" role.


Use CTRL+F (Windows) or Command+F (MacOS) to search for the Can Download/Print Library Documents permission. Check the box next to this permission to enable it for this role.


Once you have confirmed that the changes you have made are correct, click Submit at the bottom of the page.


In the Insights section, we can see data on file downloads such as the number of downloads, the last date of download, and the IP address that performed the last download. To go to the Insights section, simply click the Insights button on the left-hand sidebar.


You will be taken to the following page:


By default, the filter will be set to downloads made in the last month, but we can delete this filter by clicking the X in the box. Now let's explore more of our filter options. If we click the filter +FILTER button, a drop-down menu will appear with different options as seen below:


You can see that we can filter by the date of download, filter user names in or out, or look at only specific documents. If you have a specific view you prefer, you can click SAVE VIEW to save it as your default view.

Finally, you can either export this data as an Excel file or print it using the following menu:



Having read this article, you should now be familiar with managing documents and folders in the Hub Library. To learn more about what you can do in the The Hub, please check out our other guides on The Hub.

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