Uploading a Profile Image

The user profile image is a mainstay in social media and is used to represent the user across the entire platform.

The profile page utilises the existing profile image functionality available on the platform. This means that if you've already uploaded a profile picture before, it'll automatically be added and displayed on your profile page.

If you haven't uploaded a profile picture before, a default avatar will be shown.

Tip: Uploading a profile image is a great way for other users to get to know you. A great profile image will clearly show your face, add a splash of colour and show off your personality.

To upload a new profile image:

  1. Click the profile avatar in the top navigation bar and select My Profile to open your profile page.
  2. Hover over your profile image and select Update.

  1. Scroll down to the My Profile section, go to Profile Image and select Choose File.
  2. Using the Browse window, search your computer for the picture you want to upload. Once you've found it, click to highlight it, then select Open.
  3. A cropping window will now appear, allowing you to adjust the size, zoom and position of your image. When you're finished, use the Save button.

Note: Profile images support photos up to 10 MB, file types including jpeg, jpg, png and gif and an image size of 250 x 250px or more.

Tip: For some handy information about resizing your images for platform use, please refer to the following article: Resizing Images.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page, then select the Update button.


The profile image will be saved and displayed on your profile page.

Tip: We recommend uploading a square image as all profile pictures will be cropped to have a round border in our social upgrades. Using the square option on your camera (iOS), manually cropping the image to a square (Android), or taking a photo using your computer's webcam provides the best results!

Should you have further feedback or questions, contact your Relationship Manager or email wmsupport@franconnect.com.

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