Account Deactivation and Deletion

This article provides information on the process of deactivating and deleting accounts. 


Method #1 - Accounts Page

An 'active' (tick) icon appears next to all 'active' accounts. This is visible to admin & manager-level accounts only.

Clicking this icon will prompt you as to whether or not the user should be inactivated. Once confirmation is provided, the user will become 'inactive' and can no longer access the platform. The 'tick' icon will then be changed to a 'cross' icon - indicating that the account is 'inactive'.

Note: In the prompt that appears, there may be a message regarding Exit Interviews. This will only occur if an (active) Exit Interview is targeted to the applicable user. Administrators will be asked whether or not the user should be sent one. Area Whereas, Managers will be advised one will be sent, and do not have the option to send it or not.
Administrator Confirmation Prompt
Manager Confirmation Prompt

Important: If there are no applicable 'active' Exit Interviews targeted to the account you are deactivating, then no prompt will appear. The account will immediately become 'inactive'.

Method #2 - Update Profile Page

When editing an account via the Update Profile page, click on the 'Account' tab. Here you will see a field called Active with a checkbox option. To deactivate the account, simply uncheck this option.

Note: Once unchecked, a secondary checkbox option may appear regarding Exit Interviews. This will only occur if an (active) Exit Interview is targeted to the applicable user. This checkbox will be clickable to admin-level accounts only. Whereas, it will be greyed out for manager-level accounts.


A 'delete' (bin) icon appears next to all 'inactive' accounts. This is visible to admin-level accounts only.

Clicking this icon will prompt you as to whether or not the user should be deleted. Once confirmation is provided, the user will no longer exist in the platform.

Tip: Disabled accounts can easily be found by checking the 'Inactive' status filter on the Accounts page.

Attention: Deleted accounts can only be restored by World Manager (Support) staff. So, please contact for assistance.

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