Account Creation

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the various options and settings that are available when creating and updating accounts. For more information about accessing this page, and an overview of the mechanics of the Accounts tool, see Managing the Account Hierarchy.

The settings described here will differ depending on the Role the account belongs to, with the most notable variance between accounts being the specificity of the regions that can be assigned to the account.

The 'New Account' and 'Update Account' pages are separated into tabs. Below you will find an overview of each tab and its contents.

* indicates a required field


  • Title – Formal suffix given to the user (e.g. Mr, Mrs, Miss, etc.)
  • First Name * – The user's first name
  • Middle Name – The user's middle name
  • Last Name * – The user's last name
  • Nickname – Optional nickname (or preferred name)
  • Phone – Landline phone number that can be used to contact the user
  • Mobile – Mobile phone number that can be used to contact the user 

Note: Whilst no asterisk appears on the 'Phone' or 'Mobile' fields, they are still required. You must enter a contact number into (at least) one (1) of these fields.

  • User Language * – Preferred language of the user, which affects various tools & phrases throughout the platform. See Languages for more information
  • Time Zone * – Preferred time zone of the user, which affects the dates and times that are displayed throughout platform
  • Email * – Valid email address that can be used to contact the user
  • Welcome Email – Option to send out a welcome email

Note: This field only appears once a valid email has been entered into the 'Email' field. Otherwise, the following message appears:

  • Username * – Account username, which is used to access the platform

Note: Usernames must be unique, meaning no two accounts can have the same username. When you enter a username, a status indicator will appear advising you whether the username is available or, if it already exists - as below:

  • Password * – Private phrase, used to authenticate a user's access to the platform when logging in. See Account Settings for more information

Note: If updating your password, a strong password is required (and highly recommended). Please ensure it contains a combination of numbers, upper case letters, lower case letters and symbols.

An example of a bad password, is a password that is the same as the username OR is 'password' OR is made of a repetition of ONE character - e.g. 888888 OR is made of consecutive letters or numbers - e.g. 123456.


The 'Account' tab is used for group, location, permission and status-based options. These options differ depending on which Role the account is assigned to.

World Manager

  • Group * – The group the user will be assigned to
  • Permissions – Choice between 'Default' or 'Custom' permissions. See Account Custom Permissions for more information
  • User Switching – Options to limit the emulation permissions of a World Manager-level account, by Country, Area and/or Location
  • Position Name – Optional title of the user's position (in your organisation)
  • Active – Checkbox that can be used to activate or deactivate the user

Note: A user's account must be 'active' in order to be able to log into the platform.

National Manager

  • Group * – The group the user will be assigned to
  • Countries * – The country (or countries) the user will be assigned to

Note: National Manager-level accounts can be assigned to multiple countries.

  • Permissions – Choice between 'Default' or 'Custom' permissions. See Account Custom Permissions for more information
  • Position Name – Optional title of the user's position (in your organisation)
  • Active – Checkbox that can be used to activate or deactivate the user

Note: A user's account must be 'active' in order to be able to log into the platform.

Area Manager

  • Group * – The group the user will be assigned to
  • Country * – The group the user will be assigned to
  • Areas * – The area (or areas) the user will be assigned to

Note: Area Manager-level accounts can be assigned to multiple areas, based on their assigned country (of which there can only be one).

  • Permissions – Choice between 'Default' or 'Custom' permissions. See Account Custom Permissions for more information
  • Start Date – The date the user commenced work (in your organisation)
  • Position Name – Optional title of the user's position (in your organisation)
  • Active – Checkbox that can be used to activate or deactivate the user

Note: A user's account must be 'active' in order to be able to log into the platform.

General Manager, Store Manager and Employee

  • Group * – The group the user will be assigned to
  • Country * – The group the user will be assigned to
  • Locations * – The location (or locations) the user will be assigned to

Note: General Manager, Store Manager and Employee-level accounts can be assigned to multiple locations, based on their assigned country (of which there can only be one).

  • Permissions – Choice between 'Default' or 'Custom' permissions. See Account Custom Permissions for more information
  • Start Date – The date the user commenced work (in your organisation)
  • Position Type * – Employment type (e.g. Full-time, Part-time or Casual)
  • Position Name – Optional title of the user's position (in your organisation)
  • Active – Checkbox that can be used to activate or deactivate the user

Note: A user's account must be 'active' in order to be able to log into the platform.


  • My Profile – The content from the fields in this section are displayed on the user's profile page
    • About Me – Short blurb about the user
    • Profile Image – This image is used as the user's profile image, displayed in various areas throughout the platform. See Uploading a Profile Image for more information
    • Cover Image – This image is used as a banner at the top of the user's profile page. See Uploading a Cover Image for more information
    • Current Location – Optional description, displayed in the Forum tool
  • Forum – The content from the fields in this section are displayed on the user's Forum posts
    • is - Something about the user (e.g. their mood). For example, if you enter "happy" into this field, it will show as Jonathan Smith is happy (next to your Forum posts)
    • Current Location - The user's location
    • Signature - The user's signature/sign off

Note: This will automatically appear underneath all of your Forum posts.

Custom Fields

Any (active) Custom Fields that are targeted to the user, will appear in this tab. For more information, please refer to the Creating Custom Fields article.

Note: This tab will only appear after a group has been selected (in the 'Account' tab).

for: adm, mgr;

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