Understanding Service Desk Categories, Priorities and Statuses on The Vault

When submitting a Service Desk ticket on The Vault platform, there are several steps and options. The purpose of this article is to provide information on what some of these options mean and to guide you on how to successfully submit a ticket to the correct department.

Important: After Hours Support is available for critical issues only.

The process for after hours support, is to call +61 2 8005 4271 and leave a message with your contact details and a description of the issue. This message is then forwarded to our after-hours team, who will assess the impact of the issue and respond (in accordance with the below-mentioned Service Desk Priorities).


Note: It is important you choose the correct category, as this will ensure your query is assigned to the correct department for the best and most efficient outcome.

The first step in submitting a ticket is to select a category. Listed below are the main (customer-facing) categories to choose from, each of which serves a different purpose and :

Branding Enquiries

These tickets will be assigned to our Creative Team. Choose this category for any/all enquiries regarding the look and feel of your platform.

Tip: Before submitting tickets to this category, we recommend reading our Branding Guidelines Document.

Some examples for using this category include:

  1. Changing platform background imagery
  2. Changing skin colours on your platform
  3. Image sizing enquiries

Relationship Management

These tickets will be assigned to your appointed Relationship Manager (RM) or Customer Service Manager (CSM).

Some examples for using this category include:

  1. Platform training and overview
  2. Functionality questions
  3. General enquiries

Technical Issues

These tickets will be delivered to our (global) Support Team. Choose this category to request technical assistance, as well as anything that is not covered in the above-mentioned examples.

There are actually three (3) different 'technical issues' categories to choose from (as listed below), so be sure to choose the category that's most applicable, based on your region.

  1. APAC Technical Issues
  2. NASA Technical Issues
  3. LATAM Technical Issues


During the ticket submission process, you will be asked to choose a priority for your enquiry/issue. There are a range of priorities (some of which are only available for a specific category/categories) which determine the severity of your enquiry/issue as well as how promptly they are to be investigated. When reporting issues consider the operational impact that it may have to your business, or the effect on day to day operations (If Any). This will help determine the priority of the ticket.

Priorities are as follows:

1. Low: 3-5 Business Days

The system is usable and the incident can be worked around (at least on a temporary basis). Choose this when the issue/enquiry has little or no operational impact.

Note: Most tickets will generally fall under this category and are typically responded to within the same (business) day.

2. Medium: 1-2 Business Days

Partial platform performance degradation. Choose this if you are experiencing some minor loss of systems functionality and operational impact.

3. High: Within 24 hours

Incident relates to moderate platform-wide performance degradation. Choose this if you are experiencing moderate loss of systems functionality and operational impact.


All newly submitted tickets will automatically be given a status of "New" by default. However, there are a range of statuses which provide you with insight of the current state of your enquiry/issue. They are as follows:


This is the default status for any new ticket, and indicates that no action has been taken as of yet.

More Info Needed

Indicates that more information is required from the ticket submitter. Please check for any questions asked by the ticket owner.

Investigation Required

Indicates that the ticket has been looked at, but requires further investigation before it can be resolved or progressed any further.

Verification in Progress

Indicates that the ticket is currently being look at or verified. Updates will be provided by the ticket owner.

Awaiting Brand Approval

Indicates that a potential resolution has been found, but is pending approval from the client before proceeding.

Scheduled for Completion

Indicates a Brand has requested a task to be completed at a future date/time. A reminder will be set up by the ticket owner to ensure completion.

Assigned for Task Completion

Indicates that a task has been created and assigned to another team member/department for completion.

Developer Verification In Progress

Indicates that the ticket is currently being looked at or verified by a developer.

Reported for Fix

Indicates that the issue has been logged as a bug/change for the developers to resolve.

Extensive Development Ongoing

Indicates that the issue has been logged as a bug/change for the developers to resolve, but the issue may require extensive development work and an estimation on completion is not currently possible.

Resolved and Awaiting Release

Indicates that a bug/change has been fixed, but has not yet been released to live platforms.

Awaiting Brand Confirmation

Indicates that the ticket has been resolved and ready to be closed, pending confirmation from the ticket submitter. If confirmation has not be received from the ticket submitter within 2-3 business days the ticket will be closed by the ticket owner and can be reopened if required.


Indicates that the ticket has been resolved and closed - either by the ticket submitter or owner.


Indicates that a previously "Closed" ticket has been reopened - either by the ticket submitter or owner.

Note: All ticket statuses can only be changed/updated by the ticket owner - except for "Closed" and "Reopened".

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