Case Study - Spudshed Engagement

In today's digital age, businesses are increasingly adopting Learning Management Systems such as World Manager to enhance training and development efforts. However, an LMS can be more than just a tool for delivering training courses and tracking progress. It can also serve as a powerful platform to engage and empower your team. In this post, we spoke with Natasha at Spudshed to explore how they have effectively implemented new ways to leverage their platform to engage their team and foster collaboration.

Expectations introduced during Onboarding

We identified that the engagement needed to be initiated at the onboarding process, not only to set a healthy habit for our team members but to also set the expectation that The Shed is our main communication tool. Through the implementation of the Contract Generation tool, the new team members are introduced to the platform before even really understanding its place within our business.

Induction Modules

Spudshed have an induction module that is required to be completed prior to a team member starting their first physical ‘on the floor’ shift. This module gives a full scope of the Galati Group business (parent company) and the knowledge that team members are part of a wider picture. Spudshed have also included their policy suite and an induction checklist that is expected to be completed prior to day one.

The introduction of department specific training that is required prior to a team member starting their first physical ‘on the floor’ shift has assisted in the team member being able to hit the ground running and understand their key responsibilities within the team. 

Ongoing processes

Spudshed has introduced multiple ongoing processes to ensure long-term engagement with the platform. With a combination of weekly, monthly and ad hoc activities to be completed in the platform, the wider team know they can find all documentation and processes to be able to successfully complete their roles. Take a look below for some of the ongoing processes Spudshed have introduced.

Service Desk

The Service Desk plays a pivotal role in the Spudshed business, from ensuring the smooth operation of departments to providing valuable support to all stakeholders. Having transparency over key business functions has also assisted in streamlining processes and ensuring tasks are completed within a timely fashion. Spudshed introduced the Service Desk for store items or machinery, repairs, audit action follow ups and even platform queries.
Anything not logged through this process is not actioned, so this drives users to the platform if they have any questions. 

Weekly Safety Inspection

Store Managers are required to complete a store walk and log a Safety Inspection report each week to ensure compliance in their location. Follow up items are then logged through the Service Desk for visibility and accountability within the Management team. The completion of this task is attached to the Store Managers bonus incentive program and ensures compliance throughout the business.


Spudshed is currently finding new ways to use the forum tool to its full potential. Currently the tool is being utilised as an engagement platform for the team to provide feedback on updates and ask any questions within the wider community. Current topics include: 

  • Team Recognition
  • Information updates, such as Parental leave programs, Superannuation information.
  • Job opportunities

Manuals and Files

Spudshed have centralised all forms, policies and store documentation through the Manuals and Files section. Through communicating that The Shed’s Manuals and Files section is the master data collation point, this has eliminated the need for multiple share folders or stores not having the most up to date and accurate information to run their business.

Monthly Safety Focus Training

Fire Safety, Manual Handling and Knife & Box Cutter safety modules are just a few examples of the ongoing mandatory safety training provided by the Spudshed team. These training modules are compulsory for all team members within the business and completion rates are updated weekly to monitor compliance. The Spudshed team introduced this task to their Store Manager bonus incentive scheme for Management to understand the importance of compliance throughout the business.

Incident Reporting

With the implementation of the Incident Report onto The Shed, this helps simplify and streamline the communication process throughout the business. It also allows for managers to have full visibility to the status of the incident. The introduction of the report, took the team some getting used to, however, being able to increase engagement and data centralisation & visibility has been a big win for the brand.

Spudshed have implemented multiple online forms to capture incidents. All incidents must be logged through the Shed and cover items such as;

  • Property Damage
  • Attempted thefts / Thefts
  • Customer complaints/enquiries
  • Hazard identification
  • Recruitment requests
  • Customer or Employee injuries
  • Council Inspections
  • Employee Referral program
  • Safety Inspections

The use of the incident reporting function has enabled Spudshed to collect more data to analyse trends and take a more proactive approach to training our team.

Thanks so much Natasha for sharing how the Spudshed business encourages platform engagement throughout your whole business, the implementation of ongoing processes in the platform is incredible to see. We can't wait to hear from you again soon!

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