Multi-Location Accounts Upgrade - Case Study - Endota Spas and Southern Cross Protection

One of the most anticipated enhancements to be released this year was multi-location accounts, allowing store manager and employee level accounts to be allocated to more than one location. We spoke to two brands who have implemented the changes and asked them about the difference it has made. 

How common is it for team members to work across multiple sites and what challenges does this present? 

Endota: At a guess, I’d say around 40% of our therapists worked across more than one spa. There were no issues really with therapists working across multiple locations, but we had issues with the students who were studying at the Wellness College who started working in spa before they graduated. The spa location manager didn't have visibility to them as they were sitting under a different manager at the college location. Now they can be assigned two locations, the College can see them as well as the Business Owner/Spa Manager they are working for, and this is important so both places know how much training has been completed and therefore which treatments can be performed for clients in the spa environment. 

Southern Cross Protection: It's very common for our employees to work across multiple sites. Our security officers will often work across various types of sites that requires different training or information. We also have employees based in border towns who will work at sites on both sides of the border, meaning they need to see communication for two separate states. To get around this issue, most multi-site users had multiple accounts which wasn’t ideal and proved confusing and problematic, thinking they had to complete training modules multiple times. 

How has having multi-location accounts changed the way you use the platform?

Endota: It has meant that some users no longer need to have multiple accounts to access different locations which is a bonus! It is not hard to implement the changes and has no effect on the way we use the platform daily, so it was a smooth transition. The tools still operate in the same way, it’s just that there is more visibility for the managers and the team member also gets to experience being in both locations which is great. 

Southern Cross Protection: It has made a huge difference and I have received some great feedback so far. The biggest advantage is that it keeps our platform 'tidy', with users only needing to have one login meaning the data is more accurate too. Learners have access to the correct training and development modules, and they can receive comms that are relevant to them. Moreover, managers can see all their employees where they are supposed to be and track their progress. We still have some way to go in rolling out the changes as well as educating our managers how to use the multi-location feature in the platform, especially in our bigger states, but we plan to have this done in the new year. Overall, our users are much more satisfied with their experience using the platform.  

What would you say are the benefits of using the multi-location feature? 

I would say visibility of training results for managers at more than one location would be the biggest benefit to us. It is also good being able to assign In Spa Trainers and Spa Managers to multiple locations, as some Business Owners will have one person across all their spas (can be from 2 to 5 different locations) and prior to this release, that person had to have up to 5 different accounts, which wasn’t ideal! Now they can see everything using the one account, which is great. 

Southern Cross Protection: The biggest benefit for us it that the users have access to everything they need with one login. I'm hopeful that the benefit for me as a World Manager is that this will translate into an increase in our engagement figures over time.  

Well, there you have it, some great feedback on how utilising the multi-location tool has had positive impact on the users’ experience as well as making the administrators job easier. If you have employees who work across multiple locations, reach out to your Relationship Manager today to speak with them about the best way to make this happen on your platform.  

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