Creating an IFrame Widget

IFrame widgets can be used to embed a website within it, which you can then display on your Dashboard.

Please refer to the below instructions for creating an IFrame widget:

1. Go to System → System Configuration

2. Click on Dashboard

3. Click on New Widget

* indicates a required field

4. In the Type* drop-down, select the "IFrame" option

5. Title*: Enter a name

Tip: This can be anything, but we recommend using something that catches the attention of the targeted users.

6. Description*: Enter a description

Note: Only appears to administrators and won't be shown to users/on the front-end.

7. Preferred Column*: Select the preferred column you wish to display the widget in - either "left" or "right"

8. Target Country: Set target country/countries you wish to apply the widget to [optional]

9. Style*: Choose your preferred header style and colouring

10. Url*: Enter the website URL

Attention: Due to security restrictions (applied by modern browsers), it is only possible to use URLs for websites within IFrames that start with https://. If the website URL you use starts with http://, the IFrame will not load.

11. Height*: Specify a height for the widget

Attention: Check the tool tip for minimum and maximum allowed heights in pixels (px).

12. Click Save

In this example, we have used the platform's Careers Site URL

Here is the result

Why is my IFrame not loading?

Some websites include coding to specifically block the embedding of their website in IFrames, therefore not all websites can be embedded into IFrames.

If a URL you have used is not loading the website into the IFrame widget, then please check the HTTP response header (known as X-Frame-Options) of the website (via its source code). If it has a value of DENY or SAMEORIGIN, then this means you cannot load the website in an IFrame.

DENY = No one can load this website in an IFrame (including pages on the same domain).

SAMEORIGIN = Only pages on the same domain can load this website in an IFrame.

Note: If you require further assistance with this, please consult with your IT Department directly.

So, what next?

Now that you have created your widget, you need to allocate the widget to specific account Roles. Please refer to the following articles:

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