Role Abbreviations, Phrase Updates and New API Version

We're making some changes in preparation for the new Enterprise Hierarchy upgrade coming your way very soon. If you haven't already, check out our recent video introducing the highly anticipated Enterprise Hierarchy upgrade and find out how it will benefit your platform.

In this update, you'll find several enhancements that pave the way for our future upgrades, including:

  • Role abbreviations now replace Account Group abbreviations across the entire platform
  • Phrases updated to reference Roles instead of Account Groups
  • SOAP API updated to v7.1

These updates will be live on all platforms on May 5, 2021.

Role abbreviations

Role abbreviations help identify which Role is associated with an Account Group, which can be helpful if an Account Group name doesn't correspond with a role in the hierarchy.

Platform Admins and Managers in organizations with creative names for their Account Groups or job titles will love this, allowing them to quickly identify which Role is associated with an Account Group by simply reading the abbreviation next to it!

One of the more common places you'll find Role abbreviations is in the Target Group Selector, allowing Admins and Managers to browse the list of Account Groups and help them find their relevant groups faster and more efficiently than ever.

World Manager users can customise Role abbreviations by completing the following steps:

  • From the Toolbox, navigate to SystemLanguages
  • Choose your desired Language
  • Scroll down the page, and select the User Groups section

This page contains phrases relating to User Groups on the platform, including Role names and Role abbreviations, allowing you to customise them according to your requirements. If you decide to customise Role abbreviations, remember to keep them nice and short (up to three characters), and easily recognisable on your platform since they may not always appear alongside their corresponding Role name (e.g. Fusebox, Dashboard widget targeting).

Tip: It's important to know which Role a user belongs to as it directly impacts which tools they can access and the appearance of their Dashboard.

Account Group abbreviations removed

Account Group abbreviations have been removed from the platform due to the introduction of Role abbreviations, meaning that they will no longer be found on the Account Group management pages or anywhere else they're usually found on the platform.

This change is necessary to simplify the platform interface, messages and dialogue boxes to help you smoothly transition to the new Enterprise Hierarchy should your Brand wish to create multiple Account Groups per Role type. So instead of referring to specific Account Groups, the platform will now refer to generic Role types.

Phrase Updates

Due to the upcoming Enterprise Hierarchy upgrade, Phrases in the following tools have been updated to refer to Roles rather than Groups:

  • Fusebox
  • Dashboard
  • Account Settings
  • E-Learning
  • Training Academy

This change ensures that dialogues, error messages, tooltips and other customisable phrases will consistently refer to Roles, rather than individual Account Groups.

To learn more about Phrases, see Navigating Languages.

SOAP API minor version release

A new minor update to our SOAP API (v7.1) has been included in this update, introducing several new methods relevant to the upcoming Enterprise Hierarchy upgrade.

If your Brand uses our SOAP API, check out the changelog to get started with our latest version: SOAP API v7.1.

Should you have any questions about these changes, feel free to get in touch with our Support Team at

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