Assign Users to Multiple Locations in Multi-Location Accounts Final Release

We're excited to announce that the final release for our Multi-Location Accounts upgrade is now live in all platforms.

This release follows our recent Account Grid Redesign and All-New Account Form upgrades and unlocks the ability to assign Store Managers and Employees to multiple locations. With this change, users will be able to complete specialised training for each location they're assigned to, as well as any other location-specific targeted tools.

Managers throughout the hierarchy will have full visibility of their employees working across multiple locations to make sure they're up-to-date with location-specific tasks such as training, end-of-day checklists or store policies. This includes the ability to create reports using the Stats and Reports tool, monitor training progress, send notices to their team, and more.

This release also introduces user profile hovercard functionality to the platform, allowing users to hover over account names throughout the platform and get a quick view of that user's profile. The hovercard upgrade enhances the social functionality on the platform by encouraging users to personalise their profile page and engage with each other.

Let's take a look at all the new features introduced in this release:

  • New functionality allowing users to be assigned to multiple locations
  • Updated Locations tool, showing the number of active and total accounts at the National level
  • New user profile hovercards
  • Account Custom Permissions now accessible by all Managers with the Accounts --> Manage permission
  • Improved Stats and Reports calculations, recognising users who belong to multiple locations

Assign Users to Multiple Locations

Store Managers and Employees can now be assigned to multiple locations directly from the Account Form. When creating or updating a user account, the list of available items in the Country, Area, and Location fields will show all available locations the user account can reach, and allow you to select as many of those locations as required.

Importantly, this now includes Employee and Store Manager accounts which can now be assigned to multiple Stores within their Country, just like an Area Manager account can currently be assigned to multiple Areas within their Country and General Managers can be assigned to multiple Stores within their Country.

All Manager accounts now have the ability to assign accounts to multiple locations based on the locations they themselves have access to. If the user account they’re modifying is already assigned to a location that they don’t have access to, these locations will be displayed in a separate read-only list to prevent the Manager from making changes as seen below.

When a user is assigned to multiple locations, they will gain access to all targeted content for each location they're assigned to and must complete all mandatory content for each location as required.

Additionally, Managers will have full visibility over their Employee's user information and Performance Monitor, even if they belong to a different location. For example, a General Manager will be able to view all training completion rates for an Employee, even if the Employee belongs to locations that the General Manager does not.

Note: Managers can only create and update accounts that are of a lower level, and belong to the same location they do.

Note: If a user is assigned to multiple Stores that have limited Store Permissions, the user will be granted limited permissions in all Stores based on a combination of all individual Store permissions selected. For example, if Store A grants the user access to the E-Learning tool, while Store B only grants access to Notices, the user will be given access to E-Learning and Notices in Store A and Store B.

See Number of Accounts in Locations Tool

Two new columns showing the number of Active and Total accounts have been added to the Locations tool, allowing users to get a top-level view of the number of accounts at the National level.

The numbers displayed in the Active and Total Accounts column also provide convenient links to navigate to the new Account Management page, with the relevant filters pre-applied to show the list of users belonging to that location.

The example below shows an Administrator navigating to a particular Store within an Area to view the total number of Accounts, before selecting the value in the Active Accounts column to see all Active Accounts in that Store.

User Profile Hovercard

Tip: Admins can emulate users directly from their profile page. Simply select View Profile to go to their profile page and click the Emulate button found on their cover image.

The user profile hovercard is displayed when you hover over an account's name in supported platform tools. The example below shows a WM account viewing a hovercard in the Accounts tool.

The hovercard displays an overview of a user's profile page, allowing other users to quickly learn more about their coworkers without loading a different page. The hovercard shows the following user information: 

  • Name
  • Profile picture
  • Account group
  • Role
  • Location - including all Stores, Areas, and Country
  •  View Profile Button that links to the user's Profile Page
  • Account Status (Visible to Admins and Managers Only)
  • Expire Password - If applicable (Visible to Admins and Managers Only)
  • Account ID (Visible to Admins Only)

The example below shows a hovercard of an Employee as seen by Admins

The example below shows a hovercard of an Employee as seen by Managers

The example below shows a hovercard of an Employee as seen by Employees

Hovercard is also available on mobile devices as see below

Stats and Reports Calculations

The Stats and Reports tool has also been updated to recognise users in multiple locations, leading to updated calculations per store and area. This change means that users who belong to multiple locations will be calculated in reports for each location they belong to.

Account Custom Permissions Accessible by All Managers

All Manager accounts can now access and assign Account Custom Permissions to users under their control. The list of available permissions will be limited to the role of the account being modified, and Managers will only be able to assign permissions that they also have access to. Permissions that the Manager cannot assign or modify will appear as read-only to indicate that the permission cannot be modified.

The example below shows a Store Manager modifying custom permissions for one of their Employees, with the Communications tool displayed as read-only since the Manager themself does not have access to the Communications tool while the Employee does.

Should you have further feedback or questions, contact your Relationship Manager or email

for: adm, mgr, emp;

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