v10.2.2 New Account Custom Permissions

In this World Manager update (v10.2.2), new Account Custom Permissions have been added to the platform giving administrators greater flexibility over which users can manage and view certain platform tools.

Prior to this update, some tools provided a single permission to control whether a user could manage and use it.

In this update, we've separated some permissions to give administrators the ability to customise access, should they choose to revoke access to a part of the functionality for some users.

For example in the case of Sign Offs, There are now 2 available permissions:

1. Sign Offs - Manage, Only available for Admin accounts which allows the account to manage Sign Offs. E.g. World Manager accounts can restrict National Manager accounts from editing and creating Sign Off templates.

2. Sign Offs - Grade, Available for Admins and Manager accounts which allows the user to grade Sign Offs. E.g. Allowing certain managers or admins to grade Pass/Fail statuses for their employees.

Left: The Sign Off permission before the update. Right: New Sign Off permissions introduced in this update.

Note: These new permissions will be enabled by default for all users who had the original permission enabled, so you don't have to change any settings if you'd like to keep things the way they are. However, if you would like to customise or revoke any permissions, you now have the ability to do so.

List of New Permissions per Account Group


See below permissions that are visible to NM & WM accounts:

  • External Surveys
    • Manage: Allows the user to create/edit External Survey templates.
  • Customer Feedback
    • Manage: Allows the user to create/edit Customer Feedback templates.
  • Incident Reports
    • Manage: Allows the user to create/edit Incident Templates.
    • Use: Allows the user to complete surveys and view results.
  • Sign Offs
    • Manage: Allows the user to manage Sign Offs.
    • Grade: Allows the user to grade Sign Offs.
  • Locations
    • Manage: Allows the user to view and access the Locations page.
    • CreateAllows the user to create new Locations.
    • DeleteAllows the user to delete existing Locations.


See below permissions that are visible for SM, GM & AM accounts:

  • Sign Offs
    • Grade: Allows the user to grade Sign Offs. 
  • Incident Reports
    • Use: Allows the user to complete surveys and view results.
  • Locations
    • Manage: Allows the user to view and access the Locations page.


Employee level account groups currently cannot have Custom Permissions

for: adm;

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