Widget Changes & 'Preview' link added to Manuals and Files

In version 9.1.4 we introduce the following changes to Widgets on the Dashboard:

  1. Introduction of a new widget type called ‘Preview Widget’
  2. An additional option for Image widgets that allows links to open in a new tab
  3. A reduction in Image widget file size restriction
  4. An internal 'preview' link type for Manuals and Files

This upgrade was released on January 31, 2019.

Introducing the Preview Widget

We have added a new 'Preview' widget type to be used on the Dashboard for previewing various file types. More on this below.

What is the Preview Widget?

It's a widget that allows you to upload a previewable file on the Dashboard that opens in a pop-up window, also known as a 'modal', within the browser. A separate image file, or 'Preview Image', is also uploaded which is used to display the widget on the Dashboard.

Example of how the Preview Widget looks and works

What file types are supported?

The following file types are supported only:

File (200MB max.)

  • JPG
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • GIF
  • MP4
  • PDF

Preview Image (2MB max.)

  • JPG
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • GIF

Note: 'File' refers to the file that will appear in the modal when clicked, and 'Preview Image' refers to the image that will be displayed in the widget.

How do I create a Preview Widget?

Please refer to the following article for instructions: Creating a Preview Widget

Image Widget link behaviour

Until now, Image Widget links have opened in a new tab automatically. However, we have introduced a checkbox option, labelled 'Open in new tab', which allows you to choose the behaviour of the link, as below:

  • Enabled (ticked): Link will open in a new tab
  • Disabled (unticked): Link will open within the same tab

Note: The 'Open in new tab' option is enabled (ticked) by default.

Image Widget file size restriction

The Image Widget file size restriction has been changed from 20MB to 2MB. The main purpose for this change, is to ensure images are optimised for mobile use (as well as general performance and load times).

Manuals and Files 'Preview' link

In addition to the above widget changes, we have also introduced an internal 'Preview' link in the Manuals and Files tool. Prior to this, the internal link would download the file by default. However, the 'Preview' link will open the file in a new tab within the browser instead (if preferred).

Note: The 'Preview' link will only appear for the following supported file types: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, MP4 and PDF.

Please contact a member of the brand team or email: wmsupport@franconnect.com if you have any questions on the above changes.

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