The Beauty of Saved Reports

Welcome to our continued series of blog posts, brought to you by your Relationship Managers. These posts are intended for platform administrators, particularly those who have world-level access within the platform.

The Stats and Reports tool allows unprecedented reporting and tracking across multiple areas of the platform. One feature of the tool that you may not be aware of, is the Saved Reports functionality.

Are there reports that you regularly need to (automatically) generate? Do these reports then need to be distributed to people in other departments (such as Area Managers who are accountable for actions)? Is there a need within your department or business to view historical reports? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then Saved Reports are for you!

Let’s say for example I wanted to run a report on team member training completion rates. I wanted this report weekly, and I also needed it to go to my boss and someone in another department. Rather than having to access Stats and Reports each week to run these reports manually, I could set up a Saved Report with the relevant parameters, and ensure it was generated automatically plus emailed directly to myself, my boss and my colleague in another department. Cool, huh? To do this, please do the following:

1. Select a country (you can skip this step if you have a National Manager account)

Note: The Saved Reports functionality is available at a national-level only (e.g. within a country).

2. Go to System → Stats and Reports

3. Select one of the report types (in this example, we'll be using the Training report type)

4. Set your parameters, as per your requirement

5. Click on the Generatebutton

6. Once the report has generated, click on the Savebutton - this will direct you to the 'Edit Saved Report' page (for configuration)

7. Give the saved report a name

8. Set when you want it to start generating, how often etc.

9. Set who it should be sent to

10. Click on the Updatebutton (once done)

The report will now generate as requested and be emailed to all targeted accounts, as per our platform's task schedule. For more information on this, please view the Automatic Platform Updates and Daily Tasks article.

Important: Only Adminstrators can send the report on a re-occurring basis and it is important to ensure the users have an email address registered against their account for this to work!

Archived (Historical) Reports

One added benefit of saved reports in this example is also when it comes to viewing historical information. Every report that is generated and sent out is also stored under the Archive section next to the report name. This means you can access the PDF, Excel or report data that was generated at that point in time, rather than the live data that you would see if you generated it again manually. This allows comparisons to be made between different points in time.

To access these archived reports, please do the following:

1. Select the country you set up your Saved Report(s) in (you can skip this step if you have a National Manager account)

Note: The Saved Reports functionality is available at a national-level only (e.g. within a country).

2. Go to System → Stats and Reports

3. Click on the 'floppy disk' icon under the Archived column beside the report

Aquí encontrará una lista de cada instancia del informe que se ha generado, según la programación configurada (independientemente de si se ha configurado para enviarse por correo electrónico o no).

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