Human Resources - Recruitment Upgrades

Upcoming Recruitment enhancements include:

  1. National Talent Pool filtering
  2. Talent Pool filtering
  3. Positions List filtering
  4. Share Starred Applicants with all Managers
  5. Ability to Reinstate & Reset Declined Applicant Progress
  6. Ability to Move Applicants to a New Location

National Talent Pool Filtering

National Level → Humans Resources → Recruitment → PositionsNational Talent Pool

To make filtering applicants in the National Talent Pool easier, the filter options have been split into two groups, Applicant Details, and Application Details. We have also renamed the existing filter options to make them more user friendly.

Description changes are as follows:

  • 'Search' changed to → 'Application Status'
  • 'Application' changed to → 'Position Template'
  • 'Location' is now broken down into → 'Area, Location and State' 
  • We have also introduced 'Applicant Date'

Note: When Choosing 'Area', it will pre-populate the locations applicable to that Area.

Talent Pool Filtering

National Level → Humans Resources → Recruitment → Positions → Choose a Position →Talent Pool

The same filtering features above in National Talent Pool have also been introduced in Talent Pool as below:

Positions List Filtering

National Level → Humans Resources → Recruitment → Positions

On the Positions page, additional filtering fields have been introduced, including 'Area' and 'Posted By'.

  • Area - Only visible to National & Multi-Area Managers which filters to only show the positions within the selected Area. 
  • Posted By - Filters to positions that have been posted by the selected Manager. 

Share Starred Applicants with All Managers

National Level → Humans Resources → Recruitment → Positions → Choose a Position →Talent Pool

Hot Tip: 'Starring' an Applicant for different positions is a way for managers to highlight applicants through the recruitment process

We have added the ability for applicants who have been starred by one manager to be visible to other managers. This feature has been added to help multiple managers coordinate and ensure that candidates can be highlighted through the recruitment process.

When viewing the Talent Pool, the manager will see the star icon but if another manager has starred the applicant previously, a number will appear next to the icon with how many previous managers have starred that particular applicant.

Note: The default star colour has been changed from gold to the same as the 'Tertiary text colour' on your platform. This can be modified by contacting 

In the example below you can see the number '1' next to the applicant 'Bethany Humphrey' which indicates '1' manager has previously starred that applicant. By hovering over the icon it shows the names of that manager, 'Ben Long'.

Additionally, we have added a new 'Sort By' option to the Talent Pool page, sort by: 'Number of Favourites', so you can filter through in order of the most starred applicants, with the highest number of starred applicants showing at the top. In the example below, 'Bethany Humphrey' has been starred by three other Managers and the remaining list of applicants is in descending order.

Ability to Reinstate & Reset Declined Applicant Progress

National Level → Humans Resources → Recruitment → Positions → Choose a Position → Talent Pool → Filter Search by 'Declined' → Click on Declined Applicant

When viewing a declined applicant there is a now a new option called Reinstate & Reset Applicant

Clicking this button will show an alert box that warns the user there may be legal requirements to retain all recruitment data, it will also move the applicant back into the Talent Pool. 

Note: This also removes any progress and notes attached to the applicant for that particular position. If you choose this option you can then progress them through the same position from the start or to a different position through the National Talent Pool.

Ability to Move Applicants to a New location

National Level → Humans Resources → Recruitment → Positions → Choose a Position → Talent Pool → Choose Applicant

When viewing an applicant's details, a new button called Change Location will be placed next to the applicant's list of locations for Store Manager account groups and above. 

Clicking this button will show a drop down menu containing a list of only the locations the position is available for, and the current location(s) the applicant is assigned to. 

For more information on Recruitment, please contact your Relationship Manager (RM) or the Support Team at

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