Printing Enhancements and Editor Upgrades

On September 11, 2019, we released an update that upgrades the printing, formatting and styling options found in the many tools including Contract Generation and Notices.

New-look Rich-Text Editor

The rich-text editor has been refreshed, adding support for Roman numeral and alphanumeric lists along with a fully customisable font colour picker. This update also allows us to provide future enhancements faster than ever before.

Note: Not all editor features are available in all tools

Paragraph Spacing in PDF Templates 

In PDF Templates in System Configuration, we have added two new options to control paragraph spacing. These include:

  • Spacing before/after paragraph
  • First-line indentation

Note: The default Spacing settings will match existing behaviour, so if you're happy with your current paragraph spacing you don't have to change anything!

To change paragraph spacing:

  1. In World view, navigate to System System ConfigurationPDF Templates
  2. Create a New PDF Template or Edit an existing Country Template
  3. Scroll down to the Spacing sub-heading, and apply your desired values

These settings will be applied to all PDFs created by Contract Generation in the target country.

Contract Generation Enhancements

Page Breaks in Sections

The next update comes to Sections found in Contract Generation, providing two ways to add page breaks to a section:

  1. Insert Page Break — Found on the rich-text editor toolbar, the Insert Page Break button will add a page break at the current cursor location, displayed as a dotted line.
  2. Start section on a new page — Found near the bottom of the Sections page, ticking this checkbox will ensure that the section starts on a new page in the contract.

Live Preview in Sections

A Preview button has been added to Sections on the rich-text editor toolbar, allowing you to see a live preview of the current section as a PDF.

This feature will allow you to visualise the section you're working on without needing to generate a contract to see the final result.

Updated Sync and Refresh Tooltips

We have also updated our tooltips in the Package Builder, allowing you to quickly spot content that may require your attention.

The Warning icon will alert you to content that is inactive, deleted or out-of-date and the Sync icon will allow you to refresh the content and get the latest changes if it's out-of-date.

Should you require more information, please get in touch with our Support Team via or contact your Relationship Manager.

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