Image Gallery Widget

The Image Gallery Widget is a System widget that can be used to show images stored within the tool on the dashboard, providing a great way to showcase content or recent events with your Employees.

Note: This widget is disabled for the mobile app version of the platform, this is due to previous problems with the dimensions of the widget with lower resolutions.

To edit the widget you can click on the edit icon next to the name of the widget: 


* indicates a required field

  • Title*  – The main reference given to the widget.
  • Description* – Here you can add a short description of how the widget will be used.

    Note: The Title and Description field will be greyed out by default, to change the text within these fields you can go to System → Languages → Search For Phrase (Only accessible to World Manager accounts)

  • Style*  – Choose your preferred header style and colouring.
  • Update – Press this button to apply all the changes to the widget.

Additionally, the widget will only show the first folder within the Image Gallery tool that is assigned to the user. For example, if the first folder is not assigned to the user, the second one (if assigned) will appear instead. This can be useful if you want to show different images to users in different locations, account groups or even to only specific accounts.

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