Upload Individual Files to Contracts With the New Upload Field

In this World Manager update, we're introducing a new enhancement to the Contract Generation tool, allowing Hiring Managers and Candidates to upload documents to a Contract that are unique to each candidate.

This functionality is possible thanks to a new upload field that can be added to any Form in Contract Generation. The upload field(s) can be used by Managers and Candidates and gives you the freedom to create generic Packages for each position and the flexibility to add custom documents for each candidate when required.

Files uploaded using the new field(s) will also be saved alongside the other documents and attachments relating to the Account's Contract and displayed on an all-new, redesigned Contracts page making it even easier to see all documents relating to a Contract.

This functionality is avaliable from Wednesday, July 28, 2021. Contact your Relationship Manager or Support to have the file upload type added to your custom forms.

Using the new upload field

As you know, files can already be attached to a Package, and the best practice would be to upload all files applicable to the Package in this way. However, when the candidate has a unique form or the Contract requires customisation on an individual level, this new feature will help you.

Let's take a look at some common scenarios where you can use the new upload field to see how it can improve the process for creating and completing Contracts.

Upload field for Admins and Managers

One of the most common ways this new field will benefit admins and managers is during the Contract creation process, allowing them to upload documents relevant to a specific candidate. This could include any specific company documents, work agreements, award contracts or salary contracts.

Here's an example of a hiring manager adding a file to a contract that's unique to the candidate and their position. This file can then be downloaded by the candidate from the new Contracts page which we'll take a look at further below.

Upload field for Candidates

On the other hand, candidates will most commonly interact with the upload field during the Contract acceptance process.

You can use the field to have candidates upload documents required for their onboarding, such as tax declarations, superannuation forms, bank detail forms, or other corporate forms.

Blank versions of these forms can also be provided to the candidate as a download link in the upload field's description. This feature allows the user to easily access the most up to date version of the file or form, download a copy, fill in their details and re-upload the completed form back using the upload field.

Allowed File Types

The table below shows all the different file types that can be uploaded into the Contract Generation tool's file upload fields.

Icon File Type File Extension(s)
Audio M4A, MP3, WAV, WMA
Plain Text TXT
Presentation ODP, PPS, PPSX, PPT, PPTX
Spreadsheet CSV, ODF, ODS, XLS, XLSM, XLSX

Viewing uploaded files on the new Contract page

Once the Contract has been approved by both parties, the Manager will be notified and the Candidate will receive an email containing a direct link to view the documents included in their Contract. Contracts and the files contained within them are automatically attached to the Candidate's profile, which they can view at any time.

Note: Candidates must have a platform account and the Accounts – View Document permission enabled to access the Documents page. To find out more, see Account Documents.

Tip: Platform admins can customise these email notifications to meet your business requirements. To learn more, see System Email Template Management.

Managers, payroll staff, or any other authorized account can also access the Candidate's Contract and their documents through the following methods:

  • Using the Accounts Tool
    1. Go to the Toolbox, select System Accounts.
    2. Select the applicable area and/or location the user is assigned to.
    3. Locate the user and select the 'Edit' icon.
    4. Select the 'Documents' tab.
  • Using the Search Tool
    1. Select the Search icon located at the top-right of the screen.
    2. Type the name of the user you wish to find, and select the Search button (or press ENTER).
    3. Once the search results load, locate the user and select Edit.
    4. Select the 'Documents' tab.

As you'll notice, the Documents page has been redesigned, showing a list of Contracts that apply to the user instead of the usual list of documents that apply to them. This upgrade helps you improve the organisation of each user's documents by separating which Contract they belong to.

These documents can be accessed by the user and other Administrators or Managers with sufficient permission so they can be downloaded and re-uploaded to other platforms, such as Payroll or other management applications.

Selecting a Contract will load a new page containing all the documents related to that Contract. Documents are separated into the following headings:

  • Documents - Displays all of the Package's included documents.
  • Attachments - Displays all of the Package's included files.
  • Files - Displays all files uploaded using the new upload field in the Contract. The files will be named based on the label of the upload field.

Each file can be downloaded from this page, and previewable files (such as PDFs and images) can be viewed within the page by selecting the preview icon.

How to set up the upload field

Note: To create a new Form, or customise an existing one, please contact our Support team (wmsupport@franconnect.com) as these cannot be created by platform Administrators.

The upload field can be added to any Form and is visible to both Managers and Employees.

To add the upload field to a new or existing Form, please contact our Support team (support@worldmanager.com), and we will set up the upload field based on your requirements and the following field properties:

  • Label
  • An optional tooltip
  • An optional description, allowing you to provide additional information about the field, instructions or even download links for your users
  • Mandatory or optional, allowing you to specify whether the field must contain an uploaded file before the user can continue through the Contract.

Once you've set up the upload field and attached it to the applicable Package(s), using it is easy. Simply drag-and-drop files to the upload field, or select the upload field to browse files on your device and add them to the Contract.

Note: All submitted files will need Final Acceptance, so it's important for Hiring Managers to review all uploaded files to ensure they are the right forms and have been filled out correctly.

Should you have any questions about this update, feel free to get in touch with our Support team at wmsupport@franconnect.com.


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