Troubleshooting Issues on My Platform

This article will help diagnose potential issues with your platform including Internet Speed, Responsiveness and/or Connection. It will also help you provide important information to the Support Team should an issue need be investigated.

Note: Any potential issue needs to be reported with as much detail as possible and may not relate directly with the World Manager platform.


Important Information to include and send to World Manager


1. Platform Name - Your platform name

2. Error Messages - Are there any error messages displayed? If so please take a screen shot of this message.

Note: Please do not crop the image of the message so a full screen view is displayed (including URL of the page).This is to ensure where on the platform the error message occurred.

3. User Account - The user account(s) and group(s) the error message occurred on

4. Step by Step Process -  How the issue occurred, what the user was doing to get the error.


Potential Problems with Speed, Responsiveness and/or Connection

If you are experiencing issues with Speed, Responsiveness or Connection issues, there are some extra things you can do to provide the World Manager team so they can investigate. Note: Please read the FAQ and Troubleshooting before submitting any potential issues

General Internet Speed Test

To test the general speed of your internet connection follow the below steps:

1. Go to and type in 'speed test', then click on ‘Run Speed Test'

2. The Test Results will take a couple of seconds to run:


3. Once the speed test has finished, it will show your download and upload speeds in Megabits per second (Mbps) - as below:

 Take a screen shot of this or write down this information with the date and time it was run, this information may be helpful moving forward.


Browser Specific troubleshooting


Using Firefox to diagnose slow connection speeds/loading issues


1. Open the Firefox Browser, if your page loads without errors and connects to the homepage proceed to

click the Menu Icon – the 3 little bars in the top right corner. (If the page doesn’t load, check your internet connection)

2. Go to your World Manager platform e.g.

3.Click the DEVELOPER icon, then click NETWORK


4. You would now see a bar across the bottom of the firefox window that will fill up with information that we can use to troubleshoot speed issues. You can see that certain elements are shown at the bottom of the screen along with loading times, usually measured in ms, or s.

5. From here, you can click between the main screen and the network debugging screen to reduces space on the screen so you can see more information.

6. Log in to the platform as usual, and leave the network debug window open as you use the platform. If you experience issues, this tool will monitor speed and provide information for World Manager to troubleshoot. If it appears to be ‘frozen’ for minutes or performing slowly, please take a screenshot of the information in the debug window and send to to investigate.


Using Chrome to diagnose slow connection speeds/loading issues

1. Open the Chrome Browser, if your page loads without errors and connects to the homepage right click your mouse and select ‘Inspect’– (If the page doesn’t load, check your internet connection)

2. Go to your World Manager platform e.g. and log in

3. You would now see a bar across the bottom or the side of the chrome window that will fill up with information that we can use to troubleshoot speed issues. Under the Network Heading, You can see that certain elements are shown on the screen along with loading times, usually measured in ms, or s.

4. From here, you can click between the main screen and the network debugging screen to reduces space on the screen so you can see more information.

5. Log in to the platform as usual, and leave the network debug window open as you use the platform. If you experience issues, this tool will monitor speed and provide information for World Manager to troubleshoot. If it appears to be ‘frozen’ for minutes or performing slowly, please take a screenshot of the information in the debug window and send to for us to investigate.


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