Rated Service Desk Tickets can be Reopened

Have you ever reviewed a product and service and found yourself wanting to go back and update your review based on a new experience?

World Manager version 10.0.1 has been updated to allow rated service desk tickets to be reopened. This is great for users who want to revisit closed tickets to either look at the issue again, provide an update or give a new satisfactory rating based on the resolution of a ticket.

Ticket submitters, owners and managers can reopen a ticket by going to a closed ticket and selecting the Reopen Ticket button.

Ticket has been closed and a 5-star satisfaction rating has been saved.

After using the button, a confirmation window will appear, asking the user to confirm that they want to remove the ticket resolution and rating before they continue.

A confirmation window appears to inform the user that reopening a ticket will remove its resolution an rating.

After selecting OK, the ticket status will be set to 'Reopened' and users will be able to interact with it as normal.

The ticket status has updated to 'Reopened'.

Should you have any questions, please contact your Relationship Manager or email wmsupport@franconnect.com.

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