Optional Training is Here!

In version 10.6, World Manager is excited to announce a brand new feature to our platform: Optional Training. This feature will allow users to complete optional content for all tools available in a Fuel Gauge, including:

  • E-Learning
  • Written Tests
  • Sign Offs
  • Internal Surveys
  • Appraisals

The Optional Training feature has been highly requested among our Brand Community to assign E-Learning content, including SCORM, ACTIV as well as content from third-party providers like GO1, to users without the results marked towards completion or compliance stats.

Optional Training is great for:

  • Employees who wish to complete additional content at their own pace.
  • Admins to separate required and optional content from their Fuel Gauges, ensuring that employees reach their training requirements without having optional content affect their reports.

This update went live the week of May 19, 2021.

You can check out these new features in the video below or read on for more detail.

Let's look at these changes and how to started with Optional Training on your platform.

Add Optional Training to any Fuel Gauge

A new setting called Optional Completion (disabled by default) has been added to the Fuel Gauge, adding support for Optional Training on the platform. When this option is enabled, My Training, Career Mapper, and Performance Stats will not be calculated for tools assigned to the Fuel Gauge, allowing you to provide optional content to your users without affecting any stats.

Note: Content marked with Optional Completion will not appear in the My Tasks widget.

Let's go to the New Fuel Gauge page to see how we can add Optional Training to a Fuel Gauge. From the Dashboard:

  1. Go to the Toolbox and select System, then choose Fuel Gauges.
  2. At the top of the page, select Manage Fuel Gauges.
  3. Select New Fuel Gauge.


You can also enable Optional Completion on existing Fuel Gauges should you wish to convert existing content to Optional content. To do this:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Fuel Gauges page.
  2. Select the Edit button for the Fuel Gauge you'd like to modify.
  3. Enable the Optional Completion checkbox.
  4. Select Update.

Optional Training in Fuel Gauge Management

The Manage Fuel Gauges page has been updated with a new Optional Completion column, making it easy to see which Fuel Gauges are marked as optional.

The form previously found on the page has also been updated to a table to be more consistent with the rest of the platform. As such, the checkboxes for each column have been removed and replaced with new tick and cross indicators. To make changes to a Fuel Gauge, simply select the Edit button found on the page and make any of your desired updates.

Note: Optional Training is not affected by Lock Fuel Gauge Sequence, but is affected by Lock Content Sequence. For more information, see Creating and Managing Fuel Gauges.

Optional Training in Fuel Gauges

When viewing a Fuel Gauge, for example, checking an employee's Individual Performance stats in My Training, you'll notice that the page has received a few updates.

Managers and Employees will notice that the Fuel Gauges on the left panel are grouped differently, with one group showing the required Fuel Gauges and another showing optional Fuel Gauges. The total completion percentage shown will only reflect the required Fuel Gauges.

Meanwhile, stats for the Fuel Gauges marked with Optional Completion will not be tallied in the Fuel Gauge and can be viewed separately.

Optional Training in Stats and Reports

The Stats and Reports tool has also been updated with a new Completion Type option, allowing Admins and Managers to filter reports based on all content or content that is marked as required or optional. To see the new option:

  1. Using the Toolbox, navigate to System, then choose Stats and Reports.
  2. At the top of the page, select Training Stats or Human Resources Stats.
  3. Go to the Completion Type option, and select the desired filter.

Once you've chosen your desired filter, the generated report will only show modules that match the selected Completion Type, excluding any modules you may have selected that do not match.

For example, if you have chosen to generate a report with the following criteria:

  • Optional Completion: Required 
  • Completion Rates: E-Learning
  • Target Module: Four Specific Modules (three required, one optional)

The generated report will only show results for the three required modules, filtering out results for the one optional module that was also selected.

Tip: Target Selectors in Stats and Reports will display (Optional) in the title to help users distinguish between required and optional Fuel Gauges.


A new Account Custom Permission called Fuel Gauges Manage has been added to separate the ability to access the Fuel Gauges tool, and manage Fuel Gauges.

The top-level Fuel Gauges permission gives the user access to the Fuel Gauges tool and allows them to lock/unlock the content sequence for Fuel Gauges.

The new manage sub-permission (only available to World Managers) allows the user to create/edit Fuel Gauges and lock/unlock the Fuel Gauge sequence.

Users who had the Fuel Gauge permission prior to this upgrade will automatically have access to the new manage permission in this upgrade, so their functionality will not change.

Should you have any questions about these changes, feel free to get in touch with our Support Team at wmsupport@franconnect.com.



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