Today, May 8, 2019 Package Targeting in Contract Generation is now Live!
What is Package Targeting?
Package Targeting in Contract Generation allows the ability for managers on the World Manager platform to issue contracts to anyone below them in the account hierarchy, but only applicable to that manager's Area(s) and Store(s). Until now, issuing contracts were only available to platform administrators which is World and National level account groups. This is now available for Area Manager, General Manager and Store Manager account groups.
How do Administrators Enable Managers to Issue Contracts?
There are 2 steps to allow managers to issue contracts:
1. Package Targeting
Contract Packages need to be targeted by platform administrators to the applicable group(s) and/or account(s). A preview of this is provided below but you can see the full configuration by reading this article: Contract Generation - 4. Creating Packages
Note: For live release, all existing Packages will only have World and National Level targeting applied if Fusebox is enabled for this tool. For more information on Fusebox click here.
2. Account Custom Permissions
After the applicable manager(s) have been targeted for a Package, administrators will need to apply account custom permissions to each applicable manager. Specifically enabling the permissions below:
- System → View Documents - Allows the manager to view the finalised contract under the users' profile
- Human Resources → Contract Generation → Dashboard - Allows the ability for the manager to issue contracts
Note: By default, all manager accounts have the permissions for View Documents and Contract Generation disabled as below.
Can you Apply Account Custom Permissions in Bulk?
If you have a large number of accounts that will need custom permissions for Contract Generation, our Support Team can apply these permissions in bulk. Just need to run an Account Reports in Stats and Reports and provide the Account Group, Account Name, AccountID and Username fields for the accounts that need these permissions applied. Please make sure the package targeting is set for these accounts before providing the report to
If there are only a few accounts to start off with, administrators can search the manager's name and set the applicable permission as shown below. You can read more information on account permissions in this article: Account Custom Permissions.
Who can the Targeted Manager Issue Contract Packages too?
Once the above targeting and permissions have been set, any account below that manager in the hierarchy can be issued the targeted contract package for an existing employee. They can also issue contracts to new candidates and from recruitment positions they manage.
Can Managers create their own Contract Sections, Documents and Packages?
No, Only Administrators can configure Contract Packages, this is consistent with creating templates to be used in Recruitment.
Any questions please get in touch with our Support Team via