This page outlines all platform and app releases of note. Generally speaking, all releases are normally done on a Tuesday or Wednesday evening of any given week. This includes bug fixes and new features. The below lists historical release information as we as any upcoming releases:
Android Release v2.1.12 (December 20, 2017)
For information on updating your World Manager App, please click HERE.
By default, Android devices will automatically update the App as they become available. However, if you are installing the App for the first time, please click HERE.
Note: Not all Android App versions are released if a later version is created
The following outlines changes and bug fixes for this release:
- Fixed issue with Help tool not loading on some Android devices
- Fixed issue where some users were unable to login to app
- Fixed issue with App crashing upon opening on some devices
Platform v8.2.12 (December 9, 2017)
The following outlines changes and bug fixes for this release:
- Fixed performance issues where some platforms where experiencing slow responsiveness due to daily tasks
- Fixed issue where some users could access a link in a widget to an appointment they are not targeted
- Fixed Issue with Manuals and Files where targeting locations and accounts for a folder returned a blank page
- Fixed Issue where users could not edit E-Learning slides
- Introduced Insert/Edit code sampler in Service Desk text editor
Platform v8.2.11 (December 6, 2017)
The following outlines changes and bug fixes for this release:
- Introduced Standalone SCORM, for full details please Click Here
- Moved Internal Surveys from Human Resources to Training, for full details please Click Here
- Fixed Issue where General Managers with no employees assigned could see all enrolled trainees in Education Suite
- Total test time calculation now more accurately records total time spent on a questionnaire in E-Learning Modules. For more information on how duration is calculated please read the article Completing an E-Learning Module
- Fixed Issue where some Achievement Award recipients did not receive a platform notification
- When assigning a Fuel Gauge to an E-learning Module the order by list now matches the order set in System → Fuel Gauge → Manage Fuel Gauge Page
- Fixed issue where Images in Style 3 of Content Slide where appearing below text
Platform v8.2.10 (November 29, 2017)
The following outlines changes and bug fixes for this release:
- Introduced National Email Templates and Appraisal Notifications for Two Way and Self Appraisals Click Here for full details
- Fixed Issue with creating Widgets where HTTP links are not accepted
- Fixed issue with IE11 browsers cannot create/edit Widgets
- Fixed issue with link field when creating new Widgets
- Add no-reply tickbox option when sending Notices via email
Platform v8.2.9 (November 22, 2017)
The following outlines changes and bug fixes for this release:
- Visual changes to the Dashboard page, including new icons and simplified Widget menu. To check out a preview of these changes please Click Here
- Improved mobile support for Dashboards
- Added editable phrases to the Education Suite including 'Type trainee name and press Enter', 'Training Plan', and 'Your traineeship has been suspended, please contact your manager'
- Added Education Suite notifications for trainee and trainer communications
- Fixed issue with Custom Login Button not resizing on Login Page
- Fixed issue in Recruitment where {end-date} tag for Position Status was displayed incorrectly
- Fixed issue where Links in emails were breaking mid-word
- Fixed issue where some Recruitment positions do not get removed completely after deletion
Platform v8.2.8 (October 31, 2017)
The following outlines changes and bug fixes for this release:
- Adobe Flash Player Replaced by HTML5 for ACTIV Presentations
- Fixed issue where E-Learning modules questions report ignores specified module(s)
Platform v8.2.7 (October 27, 2017)
The following outlines changes and bug fixes for this release:
- Introduced translucent 'Clickable Area' colouring for ACTIV presentations
- Improvements made to loading the E-Learning page content with introduction of 'lazy loading'
- Fixed cross sites scripting Issues in Recruitment and Forgot Password Pages
- Removed the message "Are you sure you want to delete?" when viewing event attendance
- Fixed My Task Widget not displaying Manuals and Files
- Fixed issue when changing fuel gauge from mobile app
- Fixed issue where some targeted escalation managers could not complete incident reports that have been escalated
- Fixed timezone issue when viewing Employee Activity Report
- Fixed corner radius issue for rounded rectangles in ACTIV presentations
Platform v8.2.6 (October 18, 2017)
The following outlines changes and bug fixes for this release:
- Fixed issue re-positioning questions/sections in surveys
- Fixed cross sites scripting Issues
Platform v8.2.5 (October 11, 2017)
The following outlines changes and bug fixes for this release:
- Fixed issue with the 'Insert Link' URL not working in recruitment templates
- Fixed issue where email address was not updating in career accounts
iOS App v2.2.4 (September 28, 2017)
iOS version 2.2.4 changes include:
- Various performance improvements
- Fixed issue where iPad Pro was incorrectly identified as an iPhone
- Fixed issue where videos could not be uploaded from the photo library, this includes survey tools and written tests.
- Fixed issue where certain text entry fields would not allow user to change focus point
- Fixed issue where text input was not recognized in certain SCORM
- Fixed issue where some videos would not play in SCORM
- Fixed issue with location permissions to only ask for permission if Location Services are enabled
Platform v8.2.4 (September 27, 2017)
The following outlines changes and bug fixes for this release:
- Fixed issue around media file conversions where a message is displayed “This Video is still being optimized”
- Remove Finance Tool from the Platform
- ‘Shortlist’ and ‘Offer Position’ Recruitment Stages are no longer mandatory, these stages can be set to ‘None’. The only stage that is mandatory is ‘Hire’
- Like button has been added to Forum and Image Gallery Dashboard
- External Advertising Links can now have spaces between words, e.g. ‘Career Builder’ instead of ‘Career_builder’
Platform v8.2.3 (September 20, 2017)
The following outlines exciting changes that have been released in v8.2.3. Including our newest integration with Broadbean in Recruitment under the Human Resources suite. To learn more about these changes and to set up Broadbean for your platform please read through our blog post HERE
A full list of all inclusions for this release are listed below:
- Introduced Broadbean to Recruitment
- Fixed frequency issue with reoccurring calendar appointments
- Fixed issue with HTML5 E-Learning modules where the show instruction screen didn't appear when no instructions were entered
- Fixed issue relating to updating training templates
- Fixed invalid phrase error in system configuration incident reports
- Introduced a 'Browser Compatibility Alert' on the log in page for Internet Explorer versions older than v10.0. From January 2018 users will not be able to access World Manager platforms using IE versions older than v10.0.
Platform v8.2.2 (September 14, 2017)
This release includes bug fixes and general enhancements.
A summary of changes in this release are:
- Ability to overlay elements on top of HTML5 ACTIV presentations
- Removal of legacy flv video types and custom flash objects in ACTIV
- Combine the Score and Status columns into one column in Performance Monitor
- Fixed issues relating to the 'Reply' function for Notices
Platform v8.2.1 (September 5, 2017)
Contact Us Changes
This release includes a fix to the Contact Us tool that was preventing content from being displayed correctly on mobile devices. A new layout was introduced to resolve these issues, and as a result of the new layout you will now be able to use larger dimensions for contact us images.
You can read more detail about the Contact Us tool HERE
Platform v8.2.0 (August 23, 2017)
This release has quite a lot going for it, so we highly recommend taking a read through the changes outlined below or in more detail in our blog post here
A summary changes outlined in this release include:
- Renamed "Online Training" tool to "E-Learning"
- Renamed E-Learning "tests" to "modules"
- Visual changes to the question type icons when creating and edit modules (purely cosmetic)
- Renamed "ACTIV Presentation" to "ACTIV Library"
- Relocated ACTIV Library to inside the E-Learning tool, as well as the Training Suite menu
- Renamed "SCORM" tool to "Content Library" and relocated it within the E-Learning tool.
- Individual SCORM items are now also referred to as SCORM Packages within the tool.
- Phrase Changes (Manage/Online) - We have removed redundant or excess wording throughout the platform, starting with the terms 'Manage' and 'Online'.
- Introduction of Location Review Geotagging - Enabling this function allows users to record their current location at the time of submitting a Location Review.
- Adobe Flash & HTML5 updates to the log in page - Adobe Flash is no longer required to log in to the platform.
Platform v8.1.25 (August 1, 2017)
Like button
In this release, we introduce the ‘Like’ Button to provide users the ability to upvote content throughout the platform. In addition, users will be able to see what content is popular on the platform, with the total amount of likes displayed alongside the content. To like content simply click the ‘Like’ Button underneath the content. This feature can be found in the Image Gallery and Forum Topics.
Platform v8.1.23 (July 11, 2017)
Help Tool Relaunch
The Help tool has been redesigned and the content has been created again from scratch, starting with the most popular tools and categories of information that users currently view the most.
We will continue to add content to the Help tool as standard articles but also add to the new World Manager Direct video series, blog posts with tips on best practice use of the platform and other useful content.
Please note: Unfortunately, in line with our communications in May, 2017, this upgrade will not be compatible with IE8-10.
Calendar Appointment Timezones
A timezone drop down will now appear when creating appointments. By default this will use the timezone of the creator which is how this currently functions, however you will have the option to create appointments using alternate timezones if required.
Recruitment - Seek Templates
We will now display previously entered custom seek template ID's when you modify your seek ad details so you don't need to remember the ID.
iOS App v2.2.0 (June 22, 2017)
In-app notification count
We have added the unread notification count to the notification icon within the app.
Bug fixes & Technical Improvements
This particular release includes many technical improvements and bug fixes behind the scenes to improve app performance.
Platform v8.1.21 (June 13, 2017)
Training Academy Criteria
School-based trainee criteria has changed as per the Australian Government guidelines.
- Casual employees are no longer eligible for a School-Based Traineeship.
- Year 12 Students are no longer eligible for a School-Based Traineeship.
Video Widget File Size
We have increased the video file size limit to 200mb, up from 100mb.
Platform v8.1.17 (May 9, 2017)
Account Changes Report
We have added Active Status to the Account Changes report, so that you can report on any changes to a user's active or inactive status.
Access via:
Stats and reports → Comms/IT Stats → Account Changes → ACTIVE field
Platform v8.1.16 (April 26, 2017)
SEEK API Integration Upgrade
We have upgraded to the latest version of the Seek API.
Platform v8.1.13 (April 4, 2017)
Location Review Recipients
This update includes an upgrade to Location Reviews that allows you to specify exactly who can complete a review (Submitters), and who can see that review (Recipients) once it has been submitted.
Calendar - Timezone Update
All Day Appointments will now ignore time zones. This means that no matter what time zone you or your users are in, the date you set for the 'all day appointment' will always appear on the correct date.