Often corporate users want to share files with others (Corporate/Regional/Franchise users) to be able to post in a place to grab the most attention. The Hub module is a repository where users can upload whatever files they would like to share with others. Corporate admin users have the ability to post items such as a downloadable Top Story within the Hub module.
The biggest advantage of using this feature is that you can easily have your entire staff download a file without going through finding it in the Library of the Hub module.
In order for your top story to include for example a pdf document, you first need to upload your file into Library section of the Hub module.
There are quick steps on how to upload your file:
Go to the Admin > The Hub section > and click on Library.You can create a new folder and have it accessible to Corporate Admin only. Click Add Folder.
After Clicking No, Select Add to Save.
Now you can see your folder listed in the library, go to the folder and then click on Add Document, and once you’re done adding the file, click on Add.Once you get redirected back to the folder, you should be able to see your uploaded file. You can now click on the Action button next to the file and select Copy URL, and go ahead and copy the provided URL.
Note: Now, you were able to successfully upload your file to our server and it's ready to be shared with other users. You can include the uploaded file as a hyperlink form into your Top Story by following below steps:
Go to the Admin > the Hub Section > and click on Stories, RSS Feeds and Home Page View, and then click on Add to create a new story.Name your top story and make it related to whatever file you would like for users to download. In the body of your story, you need to choose one your typed text as hyperlink and connect the URL file that you already created in the library. You can highlight the intended text and click on Insert/Edit link.
Paste the URL file and click Ok.Once you’re satisfied with the look of your story click the checkmark then click Add at the bottom. Congratulations, you have now successfully added a downloadable top story to your system. You can go to the Hub module and see how your top story is getting displayed and is clickable to download.