How to Use Custom Views in Unit Summary

Creating Custom Views on the Unit Summary page in FranConnect allows you to tailor the display of information to meet your specific needs and preferences. This feature provides you with the flexibility to organize and prioritize data, ensuring that the most relevant information is readily accessible. In this support article, we will guide you through the steps to configure Custom Views, helping you enhance your user experience and streamline your workflow within FranConnect.


Creating Custom Views in Unit Summary

To create your Custom Views, first log into your FranConnect environment. Click Info Manager on the left-hand sidebar and select Unit Summary from the drop-down menu.


On the "Unit Summary" page, click the Lifecycle Views drop-down and select Custom Views.


On the "Custom Views" tab, click the All Views button to create your new Custom View.


On the drawer that pops up, click Create View.


Give your view a name and then select an accessibility level for the view. Click Save once you have confirmed that the entered information is correct.


If you have done everything correctly, the following window will pop up.


Next, let's look at how to configure our Custom Views.

Configuring Custom Views in Unit Summary

To configure your Custom View in Unit Summary, navigate back to the Custom View you wish to modify. Click the "Columns" icon above the table.


Use the "Select Tab" drop-down to select the tab(s) that contain the information you wish to add into your Custom View. Then, use the arrows between the lists to move columns in and out of your "Configured Columns." Click Submit to save the changes to your view.


Note that anything that is hyperlinked on the table will enable you to drill down to get additional details. Additionally, you can multi-select on your custom view to perform bulk actions using the checkboxes on the left-hand side of the units.

Exporting Custom Views from Unit Summary

To export your Custom View from Unit Summary, navigate back to the Custom View you wish to modify. Click the download icon to the top-right of the table.


The following drawer will pop up:


You can choose to either export the view as a CSV or as an Excel file and you can download it from the Export Logs page once it is done.

Configuring a Tab as PII

If you want to only allow users who have permissions to view PII to see certain fields, you can configure those fields individually in FranConnect. To do so, first log into your FranConnect environment. Click the gear icon at the top of the page to access your Admin settings.


On the left-hand column, click Information Manager.


Then click Manage Form Generator in the "Information Manager" section.


Click Continue on the following page.


Click Center Info on the following page.


You will be taken to the following page:


In the PII column, you will see that some tabs can be set as PII and some cannot. To set a field as PII, click the X next to the corresponding field.


You will see a checkmark appear. You can click this checkmark at any point to revert the field to a non-PII status.


Configuring Custom Views on your Unit Summary page in FranConnect is easy and can greatly improve how you manage your data. By tailoring the display to show the most important information, you can work more efficiently and make better decisions. We hope this guide has helped you set up and use Custom Views. If you have any questions or need more help, please contact our customer support team.

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