The System Growth Analysis dashboard in FranConnect Analytics is a powerful tool designed to provide comprehensive insights into the expansion and performance of your franchise network. This feature allows you to track new franchise openings, monitor growth trends, and access essential data to help you understand the overall health and progression of your franchise system. By leveraging this dashboard, franchise owners and managers can make informed decisions, optimize strategies, and ensure sustained growth within their network.
- Accessing the System Growth Analysis Dashboard
- Unit by Brands Card
- Units by Lifecycle Stages Card
- Unit Map
- Growth Trends
Accessing the System Growth Analysis Dashboard
To access the System Growth Analysis dashboard, first log into your FranConnect environment. On the left-hand sidebar, click Analytics.
On the ensuing page, click View on the System Growth Analysis card.
You will be taken to the following page:
Now, let's take a look at each individual card on this dashboard.
Unit by Brands Card
The Unit by Brands card shows you how many units you have per brand in your franchise network.
At the top of the table is a filtering option to choose between franchised locations, corporate locations, or both.
Note: Any filtering options chosen for the Unit by Brands card will also apply to the Units by Lifecycle Stages card.
The data from this table can be found in FranConnect using the following path: Command Center → Select Brand → Scroll down to see “Locations” map view → View count for each lifecycle stage present on the right side of the map
Next, let's take a closer look at the Units by Lifecycle Stages card.
Units by Lifecycle Stages
The Units by Lifecycle Stages card shows the total number of units in each lifecycle stage based on the filters selected.
The data from this table can be found in FranConnect using the following path: Opener → Unit Summary → Type (All) → View total displayed at the top of each column
Unit Map
The Unit Map shows the number of units based in a location based on the franchise stage selected.
You can hover your cursor over each number on the map to get a list of the specific locations for each location in the area. The data for this map is pulled from Unit Summary in FranConnect.
Growth Trends
The Growth Trends graph shows the trend for the total number of units in your franchise network based on the time period selected (by Quarter, Month, or Year).
The data from this chart can be found in FranConnect using the following path: Info Manager → Export → Export Active, Terminated, Corporate Locations, and In Development locations
In conclusion, the System Growth Analysis dashboard in FranConnect Analytics is a valuable tool for franchise owners and managers. It helps track new franchise openings, monitor growth trends, and access key data about the franchise network. The Unit by Brands card, Units by Lifecycle Stages card, Unit Map, and Growth Trends graph provide detailed insights that support informed decision-making and strategy optimization. By using this dashboard, franchises can effectively manage their growth and maintain a healthy, expanding network.