What does Email Capture do?
It allows to configure email server and email information. User needs to use this email in To or Cc, while sending emails to lead(s), franchisee(s) and contact(s) so that system will capture emails from this email account automatically and display in respective lead's message history section and franchisee's /contact's contact history section.
To configure microsoft email accounts, follow modern authentication process. Other types of accounts can be configured using plain authentication process.
What is this document for?
This document is for the users to help them configure modern authentication for microsoft email accounts.
Steps to configure modern authentication for email accounts. The below steps are to be performed only when configuring microsoft accounts

- In the Azure portal, choose the API Permissions blade in your Azure AD application's management view.
- Select Add permission.
- Select the APIs my organization uses tab and search for "Office 365 Exchange Online".
- Click Application permissions.
- For POP access, choose the POP. AccessAsApp permission. For IMAP access, choose the IMAP.AccessAsApp permission.
- Once you've chosen which type of permission, select Add permissions.

Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement -allowprerelease
Import-module ExchangeOnlineManagement
Connect-ExchangeOnline -Organization <tenantId>
Once your Azure AD application is consented to by a tenant admin, the tenant admin must register your AAD application's service principal in Exchange via Exchange Online Power Shell. This is enabled by the New-ServicePrincipal cmdlet
The following is an example of registering an Azure AD application's service principal in Exchange:
New-ServicePrincipal -AppId <APPLICATION_ID> -ServiceId <OBJECT_ID> [-Organization <ORGANIZATION_ID>]
The tenant admin can find the service principal identifiers referenced above in your AAD application's enterprise application instance on the tenant. You can find the list of the enterprise application instances on the tenant in the Enterprise applications blade in the Azure Active Directory view in Azure Portal.
The OBJECT_ID is the Object ID from the Overview page of the Enterprise Application node (Azure Portal) for the application registration. It is not the Object ID from the Overview of the App Registrations node. Using the incorrect Object ID will cause an authentication failure.

The following is an example of how to give your application's service principal access to one mailbox:
Add-MailboxPermission -Identity john.smith@contoso.com -User <SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID> -AccessRights FullAccess