Gmail Plug-in

Using Gmail with the FranConnect plug-in

While running the FranConnect Gmail app, when you highlight an email address, the App will suggest records in FranConnect that match the email address. It will also suggest related contacts based on the domain name in your email. These records may come from the Sales, Info Mgr, or CRM modules.



Note: To regain screen space while running the app, click the right arrow next to your company’s logo, and the app will minimize to the right of the screen. Click the left arrow on the same stripe to maximize the app again.



Click on an email to open it. Part of the email is a button to add the email to a FranConnect contact. Select the contacts in the FranConnect panel by clicking on the slider panels next to their names, and adding any additional names and selecting them with their slider panels. 


Then click the Add email to FranConnect

Note: The first time you add records to FranConnect from this app, you’ll be prompted to give FranConnect permission to access Gmail records. Press Allow to give FranConnect permission to Gmail messages.



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