Note: This connector is developed by DOMO. Therefore, FranConnect doesn't provide the support for the DOMO connector. Please connect with the DOMO team for any support needed.
Step by step guide on how you can embed DOMO cards in Command Center.
- Go to
- On the home page, hover over the user profile icon on the top right and enter your domain on Domo. Click continue.
- On the login page of the domain, enter the email and password associated with the DOMO domain, and click Sign in.
- Next, click on the launcher icon on the left bottom of the Overview page.
- From the launcher pane, click on the Developer Portal under Resource.
- On the Developer Portal in the new tab, create a new client account from under My Account>New Client.
- Enter Name, Description, and select Application Scope of Data, Dashboard, User & Workflow when registering a new client. Application Scope is required to embed a Domo Card in Command Center.
Click ‘Create’ to complete the registration process for a new client.
- Once registered, DOMO will assign your application a Client ID and Secret to authenticate and authorize your application with Domo. You can view these details from under Manage Clients in DOMO.
- Next, log in to FranConnect with your credentials and navigate to Options> Integrator> DOMO Integration.
Enter the Application name, Client ID, and Secret from DOMO and click Validate and Save.
Note: These steps are only applicable during the setup and only required to be updated if you change the Client ID or Secret key in DOMO.
- To embed a DOMO card on the Command Center, you need to have an Embed code.
- To get Embed Code, navigate to the Dashboard page of DOMO.
For the dashboard card you’d like to embed, click on the wrench icon for card options.
- Select ‘Domo Everywhere’ from the list of available options
- Copy the HTML code from “Copy this HTML to embed” field.
- Go to your Command Center in FranConnect and navigate to Settings > Embed > Embed Card.
Enter Title, select Data source as DOMO and choose ‘Private’ or ‘Public’ as per the select embed option under the DOMO Everywhere. Paste the copied HTML code in the Embed Code field.
Select from the layout options, and accessibility to specify card placement and users you want the card to appear and click Save.
You can see the preview of the card under the ‘SETTINGS’ and click Save.
The card is now available on the Command Center.
Follow Steps 10 to 14 to add additional DOMO cards to the Command Center.