Creating an Appraisal

This article provides details on the different options that are available when creating Appraisals. These are the same options shown when editing existing Appraisals. This article is divided into those options that are common between all three Appraisal Types, and those that are specific to each type. 

Below is a detailed video overview of each appraisal type.

There are 3 types of Appraisals:

1. Peer Appraisals (an individual appraises a peer)

2. Self Appraisals (an individual appraises themselves)

3. Two Way Appraisals (an individual appraises themselves, and a peer also appraises the individual)

Common details when creating Appraisals

  • Name – The main reference given to this Appraisal. This is the name that users will see in their My Training tool.
  • Fuel Gauge – Which Fuel Gauge you wish for this module to appear under. See Fuel Gauges for more information.
  • Appraiser Targeting selectors – Used to determine which users will be an appraiser for this Appraisal. See Appraisal Types for more information about the role of Appraisers, see Targeting for more information about targeting selectors.
  • Appraisee Targeting selectors – Used to determine which users will be an appraisee for this Appraisal. See Appraisal Types for more information about the role of Appraisees, see Targeting for more information about targeting selectors.
  • Instructions – Text area that can be used to enter some text that will be shown to users before beginning this Appraisal.
  • Active – Turn this option on to make this Appraisal available.
  • Enable Auto Activation Date – This option allows you to choose a date on which the appraisal will become active. It is only available when the Active option is turned off.
  • Enable End Date – Similar to the above, this option allows you to choose a date on which the appraisal will be made inactive. Appraisals that are in progress when the end date is reached will not be completable.
  • Save – Press this button to create the Appraisal.

Specific Options

  • Appraisee Acknowledgement – Only available on Self Appraisals, turning this option on will require Appraisees to acknowledge that their Appraisal has been signed off, before it is deemed completed.
  • Allow Access by employment length – Only available on Self and Two Way Appraisals, this option will ensure that the Appraisal is only accessible when the Appraisee has been employed for more than or fewer than a certain number of days. Turning this option on will reveal another text field for specifying the number of days, as well as a drop-down box to choose whether the entered number is the minimum or maximum number of days before the Appraisee is allowed to access the Appraisal (more on this below).
    • Minimum: The 'Start Date' configured in the user's profile must be over the specified value
    • Maximum: The 'Start Date' configured in the user's profile cannot be over the specified value

What to do next

Once you have entered all the above information, you are ready to add Sections to the Appraisal. See Adding Sections to Appraisals for more information.

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