Appraisal Targeting

There are two types of targeting in the Appraisal tool:

  1. Appraisee
  2. Appraiser

The Appraisal tool does not follow the hierarchy and accounts that are at a lower level can complete an appraisal on somebody higher than them in the hierarchy.

Appraisals are location-based and the appraisee & appraiser will need to have the same store, area or country assigned to complete an appraisal on each other.

Appraisal Type Differences

  • For Peer Appraisals, the targeted appraisers will need to complete the appraisal on EVERY targeted appraisee that is assigned to their store, area or country.
  • For Two-way & Self Appraisals, only 1 of the targeted appraisers needs to complete the appraisal on an Appraisee.   


The Appraisees are the 'subject' of the appraisal. Appraisee targeting allows you to select the accounts that will become Appraisees. As an example, if you would like for a manager to complete an appraisal on an employee you would need to target the employee as an 'Appraisee'.


Appraisers will complete the appraisal on an appraisee.

Appraisals are location-based and the Appraiser needs to have the same Location, Area, or Country assigned as the Appraisee, depending on the Role of the Appraiser:

  1. If the Appraiser is in a store-based role (General Manager, Store Manager, Employee) the Appraiser will need to have one of the same locations assigned to their account as the store-based Appraisees. 
  2. If the Appraiser is in an area-based role (Area Manager) the Appraiser will need to have 1 of the areas assigned to the Appraisee also assigned to their account. 
  3. If the Appraiser is in a country-based role (National Manager) the Appraiser will need to have 1 of the countries assigned to the Appraisee also assigned to their account.

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