Service Desk - Number of Tickets

    The  Service Desk report type provides an overview of Number of Tickets, Close Times and Ratings.

This article provides instructions on 'Number of Tickets'. See below:

1. Choose desired Target Location, View and Status

Tip: A date range can also be selected to narrow down results.

2. Choose 'Number of Tickets', then choose the category (or categories) you wish to report on (in this example, we'll choose "All Categories")

Note: When choosing "All Categories" the report will only include categories that have (at least) one (1) ticket within them.

3. Click on the Generate button

4. Once the report has been generated (on the page), you will see multiple reporting types/buttons to view this data in, as shown below:

Save - Allows you to save this specific report (click here for more information)

Print - Opens a PDF version of the data (in .PDF format)

CSV - Opens a CSV version of the data (in .CSV format)

Excel - Opens an Excel version of the data (in .XLS format)

Graph - Displays the report in a bar-chart format.

Below you can see an example of this report which details the following:

  • Service Desk Category
  • Number of Tickets within that Category
Category Tickets
Maintenance Request 7
Assistance required 3
Service Desk - Technical Issues 11
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