Training Stats - E-Learning

The Training Stats tool provides a percentage summary of 'Completion Rates' for E-Learning, Sign Offs, Written Tests, Mandatory Modules and Internal Surveys, as well as 'Detailed Stats' for E-Learning Modules Failed, E-Learning Modules Questions, Signs Offs, Sign Off Comments, Overdue E-Learning Modules and Internal Surveys.

This article provides instructions on 'Completion Rates' for E-Learning, as well as actual scoring (for specific/single modules). See below:

Average E-Learning Completion Percentage Reporting

1. Choose desired Target Location(s), Target Group, View and if Optional Completions should appear:

Tip: A date range can also be selected to narrow down results.

2. Choose 'Completion Rates → E-learning', then choose the module(s) you wish to report on (in this example, we'll choose "All Modules")

Tip: You can choose multiple 'Completion Rates' selectors at the same time.

3. Click the Generate button

4. Once the report has been generated (on the page), you will see multiple reporting types/buttons to view this data in, as shown below:

Save - Allows you to save this specific report (click here for more information)

Print - Opens a PDF version of the data (in .PDF format)

CSV - Opens a CSV version of the data (in .CSV format)

Excel - Opens an Excel version of the data (in .XLS format)

Graph - Displays a visual graph of the data (example below)

Note: The Graph option is not available when the 'View' type chosen is By Individual

Specific E-Learning Module Score Reporting

Further to the above, this report type allows you to report on specific/single E-Learning module scores, including both questionnaires and standalone SCORM module types. However, to do this, you must only select one (1) E-Learning module. Please see the instructions below:

1. Choose desired Target Location(s), Target Group and View

Tip: A date range can also be selected to narrow down results.

2. Choose 'Completion Rates → E-learning', then select the "Specific Module" option and select a single E-Learning module from the list that appears

Note: In order for this report type to work, you can only select one (1) module.

3. Click the Generate button

4. Once the report has been generated (on the page), you will see the results based on the options you selected in Step 1, as well as the actual score of the E-Learning module chosen

Note: Notice that the last column heading in this specific report type is now labelled as 'Score', instead of 'Average'.

5. As above, you will also see multiple reporting types/buttons to view this data in, as shown below (excluding the Graph button):

Save - Allows you to save this specific report (click here for more information)

Print - Opens a PDF version of the data (in .PDF format)

CSV - Opens a CSV version of the data (in .CSV format)

Excel - Opens an Excel version of the data (in .XLS format)

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