Employee Activity Reports

The Employee Activity Reports tool provides a detailed report log of actions completed by an active user, based on Area, Account Group, Location and Employee, and is irrespective of the contents 'active' or 'inactive' status within the system.

This article provides an overview of the Employee Activity Reports tool. See below:

1. Select desired information selector(s)

Note: A selector for Country is only available from World Level.

2. Click the Generate button

3. Once the page loads, you will be presented with a wide range of new target selectors

Note: The Tool Summary option will group the results based on the tool. Whereas the Chronological Usage History option will group the results individually.

Tip: Use Select All | Select None to toggle target selectors on and off, and Summary | Complete to change the detail type.

The Summary selector will generate a summary of the components of the selector(s) chosen. Whereas the Complete selector will show the complete details of any/all components of the selector(s) chosen.

4. Choose all the relevant selectors you require, then click the Generate button (again)

5. Once the report has been generated (on the page), you will see multiple reporting types/buttons to view this data in, as shown below:

Save - Allows you to save this specific report (click here for more information)

Print - Opens a PDF version of the data (in .PDF format)

Excel Summary - Opens a summary of the original information selectors in Excel (in .XLS format)

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