There are 4 ways in which you can advertise a job position:
- Internally within your World Manager Platform, which only appears to targeted active accounts within your platform
- Externally on a company website
- Externally with Seek
- Externally with Broadbean
With all 4 advertising types, you can choose to advertise to 1 or to all.
In this article, we are going to show you how to advertise externally with Seek
Note: Before being able to post job ads onto Seek, the Seek integration must be enabled on your platform. For more information, please refer to the Setting up your Seek Integration article.
Create the Seek Ad
Once an external position has been created, it's time to create a Seek ad version of it. See instructions below:
1. Go to Human Resources → Recruitment
2. Click on the Positions button
3. Find + click on the name of the position you created
4. On the 'Position Details' page, click on the New SEEK Ad button
5. Complete the following fields:
* indicates a mandatory field
Role Details
- Job Title*: Enter a title for the position
- Location*: Enter the location of the position
Note: The Location field uses auto-complete functionality, whereby applicable values will appear to be chosen - based on what you type in the field.
Tip: Use the Detect Location button to automatically have your (current) location entered.
- Category*: Choose a category that best suits the position
Note: The Category field will conveniently display a couple of options to choose from - based on what you type in the Job Title field. However, if neither of these suit, then please just select the 'Choose a different' category option.
- Work Type*: Choose the position employment type
Pay Details
- Type*: Choose the position payment type
- Range*: Enter the minimum & maximum range of the salary on offer (this does not appear on ad)
- Visible Salary: Enter the salary on offer (this does appear on ad) [optional]
Ad Type
- Classic: Basic ad
- StandOut: Same features as 'Classic', plus the ability to use (company) branding and add three (3) key selling points
- Premium: Same features as 'Classic' and 'StandOut', plus priority listing features (in search & targeted emails)
Important: Additional Seek fees apply when using the 'StandOut' and 'Premium' ad types. If you are unsure, please discuss this with your Seek account manager directly.
Important: This form section only appears if you have selected the 'StandOut' or 'Premium' ad types.
- Choose an available template to use for the ad.
Important: You will need to have Seek StandOut logos/templates configured in your Seek account - which is done by Seek directly. If you do not have any, or are unsure, please contact your Seek account manager first.
Job Details
- Summary*: Enter a (short) summary about the position, which will appear in the Seek search results (max. 150 characters)
- Description*: Enter a (long) description about the position
- Video URL: Add a video (embed) URL to display in your ad [optional]
Note: The Video URL field only accepts YouTube (embed/share) links.
- Video Position: Choose the location you want the video to appear in (either above or below the ad details)
- Key Selling Points: Enter three (3) selling points to appear in your ad
Note: The Key Selling Points fields only appear if you have selected the 'StandOut' or 'Premium' ad types.
Contact Person
- Full Name*: Enter the (full) name of the contact person for this ad
- Email Address*: Enter the email address of the contact person for this ad
6. Click on the Save button
Post Ad to Seek
Even though you have created the Seek ad, it is NOT YET POSTED to Seek. This is indicated on the 'Position Details' page, whereby the SEEK Ad Status shows as 'Not Yet Posted'.
To post the job ad to Seek, there is a secondary step/process. See instructions below:
1. Go to Human Resources → Recruitment
2. Click on the SEEK button
3. Under the New Job Ads to be posted section, click on the 'post' (paper plane) icon next to the ad you created (in the previous steps)
4. Review the prompt that appears, then click Yes
Once your job ad has been successfully posted to Seek, you should see the following confirmation/success message:
Tip: You can view your (live) posted Seek ads via the platform, by clicking on the 'view' (Seek arrow) icon next to the ad - under the Live Job Ads section only.
If you have any questions, please contact