Dashboard on Desktop vs Mobile App

To make sure your World Manager platform looks good for desktop and mobile, is important to review and establish a defined layout. The following information could be useful to understand the differences between them and how they work:

Widgets Resize

All the widgets will resize their dimensions in mobile view (according to their respective screen resolution), this would affect how the widgets are organized and the dimensions of any content within the widget, this would be noticeable for Image Widgets used as headers, especially if they have a text within the image.

The platform does have different width sizes for the right and left column, so in case we would want to create an Image Widget, the dimensions for the image needed in the left column will be different than the one to the right, this is an image on mobile view of the same headers Example 1 and Example 2:

This would be different for the mobile app, since all the widgets will be organized into one column and the overall width will be the same, making every content resized, making it impossible to have both left and right widgets with the same text size:

A solution for this is to create bigger widgets in the left column for Desktop view so, when the widgets are resized (in mobile view), all the text will show the same font size: 

Is important to notice these changes when you are designing your platform Dashboard since having a view on the desktop of the platform could be very different from the mobile App.

Widgets Organization

Starting from the left column of your dashboard and followed by the right column (in desktop view), all the widgets will be sorted into one column. This is important to notice since what is available at the top of the dashboard in your desktop view will not be for the mobile App.

Missing Widgets

Additionally, there are three widgets that are not supported by the App and will not appear, these are:

  • Raking Widget
  • Image Gallery widget
  • Goals Widget

This means that if you have any of these widgets on your dashboard in Desktop View the same widget will not be present if you open the platform with the app.

If you have questions or need assistance with any of the information provided, please contact wmsupport@franconnect.com.

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