There are two primary views to become familiar with when using the Service Desk – the main view, showing lists of tickets that are accessible to you, and a ticket's view, showing the communications taking place inside that ticket.
Main View
The purpose of this view is to allow you to easily access your available tickets. Of the typical content management functions available in most tools, only deletion applies here, found on the right end of each row in the tables.
This view is separated into two table lists.
My Current Tickets
This is the first of the two lists shown on the page, and contains tickets where:
- You are the owner,
- It has no owner, and you are an owner by category targeting,
- You are a watcher,
- You are assigned a task.
Other Tickets
This secondary table contains the same columns as the one shown above, but contains tickets where:
- You are an administrator of the category,
- It is owned by someone else, and you are an owner by category targeting.
This list can also be filtered by a number of criteria, as well as a search box, so you can easily find the ticket that you're looking for.
Ticket View
This view shows all the messages that have been communicated in the ticket, as well as a variety of details about the ticket. In this article, the ticket view will be split into four parts. See Ticket Functions for further details about the functionality of this page.
Ticket Details
The top of this page is made up of a number of details regarding the ticket, some of which can be altered. The details listed in this article are a comprehensive list, describing all possible details that may appear here. However, you might not see all those listed, depending on your position in the category's hierarchy, and the state that the ticket is in.
- ID – A unique identifier to reference the ticket.
- Category – The category that this ticket currently belongs in. If you are an administrator of the category, you can move the ticket into another category that you are an administrator of.
- Subject – The subject, as provided by the submitter. For email-monitored tickets, the email subject is used.
- Submitted By – The name of the user that submitted the ticket. For email-monitored tickets, the system will try to find a user whose listed email address matches the sender of the email, and use that name if one is found. Otherwise, the sender's email address will be used. If you are an administrator or owner of the category, you can change the submitter.
- Location – If Link To Store option is turned on in the category, this field will show the Location that was chosen.
- Owner – The user that has taken ownership of the ticket. If automatic assignment is not turned on, this field will initially show 'No Owner'. If you are an administrator or owner of the category, you can change the owner to another potential owner.
- Watchers – List of people set as watchers of this ticket. Watchers can be added to this list.
- Created Date – The date and time this ticket was first submitted.
- Last Modified Date – The last date and time that any change was made to the ticket.
- Length of Time Open – Amount of time passed between the created date, and either the close date or current date.
- Priority – The priority type that this ticket has been assigned.
- Status – The status type that this ticket has been assigned.
Ticket Buttons
Immediately below the ticket details are a row of buttons that can be used to affect the ticket in a number of ways.
- Back – Returns user to the main view.
- Reply – Opens and selects the Add Message section of the page.
- Assign Task – Opens popup that allows user to assign a user or external party a task relating to the ticket.
- Change Status – Opens popup that allows user to select a new status for the ticket.
- Merge Tickets – Opens popup that allows user to combine multiple tickets into one. Once multiple tickets have been selected, click Continue, after which a primary ticket can be chosen among those multiple tickets. The primary ticket is the one that will retain all the ticket details described above, after the merge.
- Change Log – A record containing details about changes made to most of the ticket details.
Message List
Typically making up the bulk of the page, it shows all messages related to this ticket, listed in chronological order. Each message here is made up of either four or five main components.
- Sender's profile picture in the upper-left corner of the message.
- The date and time that the message was added.
- The name of the message sender.
- The message itself.
- Any files attached to the message.
Messages that are more than a certain number of characters long will initially be truncated when displayed on this page, with a 'more' button in the lower-right corner of the message. Pressing this button will reveal the remainder of the message.
Tip: Owners and administrators of a category also have access to an alternate view of this list, called Notes. This view conveniently allows extra information relating to the ticket to be saved, hidden from the view of other parties. This view is accessed by clicking the Notes tab.
Add Message
When the Reply button is pressed, the Add Message section is revealed. This section is made up of two main components – a rich text editor where a new message can be typed, and optional input fields to upload file attachments. Once the message has been written, press the Send button to add it to the ticket.
Note: Please ensure that the Send button is only clicked once, and the page is not refreshed after the following page is loaded. Failing to do so will cause the message to be submitted multiple times.