Ticket Functions

This article expands upon the functions available as an administrator or owner of a ticket, mentioned under Pages of the Service Desk – Ticket View, providing more in-depth information about their usage. These functions are initiated by either clicking on an edit icon next to the value of a field, or by using one of the page buttons available in the ticket.

Ticket Details

This first of two sections that make up this article refer to the options that can be changed from icons in the ticket details alone.

Example Ticket Details

Change Ticket Category

The name of the category is visible in the ticket details, along with an edit icon next to it. Click the icon to bring up the category selection popup. From here, simply choose the category you wish to move the ticket to, and click the Save button. Only categories that you are either an administrator or owner of will appear here.

Change Submitter

The name of the submitter is visible in the ticket details as Submitted By, along with an edit icon next to it. Click the icon to bring up the submitter selection popup. From here simply choose Other User, enter the name of the user that should become submitter (this field will do an auto-search of all users after 3 characters have been entered), and click the Save button.

Change Owner

The name of the owner is visible in the ticket details, along with an edit icon next to it. Click the icon to bring up the owner selection popup. From here, simply choose the user you wish to become the owner of the ticket, and click the Save button. Only users that have been targeted as an owner in the category's settings will appear here.

Add and Remove Watchers

The ticket details contain a field for Watchers, with either the number of people currently watching the ticket, or the word None, along with an edit icon next to it. Click the icon to bring up the Watchers popup.

From here, you will see a list of any users and email addresses currently watching the ticket, as well as Delete icons to their right. Clicking on the Delete icon will prompt you as to whether or not you would like to remove the watcher from the ticket.

There is also a Watch Ticket button, allowing you to add yourself as a watcher to the ticket, and an Add Watcher button.

Clicking the Add Watcher button will allow you to choose between adding a User or an External Party. Choose one of these and enter the person's name or email address, and click Save to add that person as a watcher to the ticket.

Changing Priority

The current priority type assigned to the ticket is visible in the ticket details, along with an edit icon next to it. Click the icon to bring up the priority selection popup. From here, simply choose the priority type you wish to assign to the ticket, and click the Save button.

Ticket Buttons

The remaining functions mentioned in this article can be found in the row of ticket buttons that are available in active tickets.

Ticket Buttons


Pressing the Reply button reveals the Add Message section. This section is made up of two main components – a rich text editor where a new message can be typed, and optional input fields to upload file attachments. Once the message has been written, press the Send button to add it to the ticket.

Assigning Tasks

When the Assign Task button is pressed, a task assignment popup is revealed, allowing for the selection of either the submitter themselves, another User in the platform, or an External Party. Similarly to adding watchers to the ticket, you must enter either the name of the user, or the email address of the External Party. Once this is done, press the Save button and the person will be notified of the task assignment.

Note: The task assignment mechanism itself doesn't include a field for explicitly describing the task. The task assignee should infer the task from the thread of messages.

Change Status

The current status type assigned to the ticket is visible in the ticket details. To change this value, first click the Change Status button to bring up the status selection popup, choose the priority type you wish to assign to the ticket, and click the Save button.

Merge Tickets

Merging tickets allows for the messages belonging to multiple tickets to be combined into one, while retaining the ticket details of one of the tickets. When the tickets are combined in this way, the messages are still listed chronologically, meaning they may be interspersed in the process.

Attention: This process is irreversible, so please ensure that the tickets are selected carefully before performing the merge.

To do this, click on the Merge Tickets button to bring up the ticket merging popup. This popup initially shows a list of all current tickets that you have administrative rights over, with checkboxes beside the ticket subject. Select all the tickets that you would like to combine (the ticket currently being viewed will have been preselected), and click Continue. Then, you will need to choose which ticket will be the primary one – the one whose details will be retained – and then click Merge Tickets.

Viewing Change Log

Click the Change Log button to reveal a record of changes made to the ticket.

for: adm, mgr, emp;

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