Position Templates

Position templates make creating a new position on your platform very simple and efficient. Instead of entering all of the position information manually each time you create a new one, you can use a ready-made position template to automatically populate most of the fields throughout the form.

Creating Position Templates

To create a Position Template, go to: (Country) → Human Resources → Recruitment → Templates → Position Templates, then click on the New Position Template button.

Example of New Position Template form


  • Name – The main reference given to this template. This name is used to distinguish it from other position templates.
  • Instructions – A text area allowing you to enter a description of the position that is being created.

Important: The contents of this field will appear on the 'Apply Now' page (within the Careers Site) of ALL positions that use it, so ensure the instructions are clear for the applicants (or leave it blank).

  • Minimum Pass Score – The lowest score a candidate must receive.

Note: If a minimum score is specified, then any applicants who do not pass this score will automatically be declined.

  • Select the lowest user group who can have access to this application form – A drop-down containing all the different manager account groups. Choose the lowest group that should have access to view/use this template.

Note: This will also affect which group(s) are able to select this Position Template when searching for positions using the search/filter function.

  • Active – Enabling this option will make the template active/usable.
  • Hours of availability – Enabling this option will add the "Hours of Availability" section to the job application process.

Note: The default hours are configured in the Recruitment tool settings. To view/edit them, go to: (Country) → Human Resources → Recruitment → Settings → Career Site Settings, then scroll down the page to the "Hours of availability" section. Configure as required, then click on the Update button.

  • Short Description – Displayed on the main job page in the Recruitment tool.
  • Long Description – Displayed after clicking 'Additional Info' on the advertised job page.
  • Unsuccessful Application Reply Email  – A drop-down containing all the different recruitment emails. Choose an unsuccessful-based one that's most relevant to this setting.
  • Application to be reviewed – A drop-down containing all the different recruitment emails. Choose a review-based one that's most relevant to this setting.
  • Stage 1 [optional] – A drop-down containing all the different 'General' or 'Interview' recruitment stage types. Choose the one that's most relevant to this stage.
  • Stage 2 [optional] – A drop-down containing all the different 'General' or 'Interview' recruitment stage types. Choose the one that's most relevant to the stage.
  • Stage 3 [optional] – A drop-down containing all the different 'General' or 'Interview' recruitment stage types. Choose the one that's most relevant to the stage.
  • Stage 4 [optional] – A drop-down containing all the different 'General' or 'Interview' recruitment stage types. Choose the one that's most relevant to the stage.
  • Reference Check [optional] – A drop-down containing all the different 'Reference Check' recruitment stage types. Choose the one that's most relevant to the stage.
  • Shortlist [optional] – A drop-down containing all the different 'Shortlist' recruitment stage types. Choose the one that's most relevant to the stage.
  • Offer Position [optional] – A drop-down containing all the different 'Offer Position' recruitment emails. Choose the one that's most relevant to the stage.
  • Hire – A drop-down containing all the different 'Hire' recruitment stage types. Choose the one that's most relevant to the stage you are creating.

Note: The 'Hire' stage is the only required one. However, the 'Offer Position' stage is needed if you wish to use this template with the Contract Generation tool. The remaining stages are completely optional, but recommended.

  • Job Ad Posting – Enabling this option will allow posting, updating and expiring positions on external job boards (e.g. SEEK) that use this template.

Once this information has been entered (or updated) accordingly, press the Save or Update button to submit the form.

Note: The Job Ad Posting option is only available if you have integration with Seek setup.

Creating Sections

Sections are used to add different parts to the application process, such as; hours of availability, questions and/or questionnaires.

To create a Section, go to: (Country) → Human Resources → Recruitment → Templates → Position Templates, then click on the New Section button.

Example of New Section form


  • Name – The main reference given to this section.
  • Position Template – A drop-down containing all the different position templates. Choose the one that's most relevant to the section you are creating.
  • Choose a questionnaire [optional] – A drop-down containing all the different questionnaires. Choose the one that's most relevant to the section you are creating.

Editing Sections

Once you have created a section, you may need to edit it and/or its content. This will definitely be the case if you have not chosen a questionnaire when creating the section and therefore have opted to created your own manually. See Survey Question Types for more information.

To edit a Section, go to: (Country) → Human Resources → Recruitment → Templates → Position Templates, then click on the name of the Position Template to expand the folder and reveal the sections. You now have two (2) different editing options - see below:

1. Editing Name: To simply edit the name of the section, click on the 'Edit' icon beside the section name.

Example of 'Edit' icon

Note: Notice that the "Hours of Availability" section does not have an 'Edit' icon. This is because it is a system-based section which is added automatically if you enable this option while creating a Position Template. However, whilst you can't edit the name of this section, you can still edit its content.

2. Editing Content: To edit the content of the section, click on the name of the section directly.

Tip: By default, the "Hours of Availability" are based on what's configured in the Recruitment tool settings. However, you can amend the availability for each Position Template individually by editing this section's content.

for: adm,mgr;

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