Creating an Automated Sales Group

FranConnect allows you to create Smart/Automated Sales Groups to manage your leads. You can create automated groups from the Groups page. You can also use the Campaign Center to do this.

Click on the Sales Module and select Campaign Center from the drop down. 

Input Name and Description for the group.

Choose Accessibility from the drop-down. You can choose to keep the group Private or Public.

Enable the toggle button for Smart Group.

Click Create.

Configure the Criteria for the leads to match your Smart group.7-5-2022_1-51-16_PM.png
Enter value under Configured Criteria according to your selection. 

7-5-2022_1-59-49_PM.pngClick Save.

Click OK to confirm.

Select the Checkbox if you want the existing leads matching your criteria to be added to your group. If you decide to keep the checkbox unchecked, all future leads matching your configured criteria will be added to the Smart group.

 Click Save.


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